

better than 1, but music score wise was pretty meh

action scenes were way more crisp, not as gritty as before but it looked a bit stiff compared to how fluid the first movie action scenes were

cinematography was definitely better

story wise, eh. dialogue was worst this time.

good action movie though, no idea what other action movies are coming out this way but i can see this being one of the top ones released

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I liked 1 better because of its first twenty minutes and more grounded action choreography.

Saw it today, it was great. I'm a bong though, and apparently they removed about 20 seconds of footage during the suicide part to avoid an 18 rating.

>better than 1
I literally can't believe everyone, including critics, can hold this pleb opinion.

>20 minutes in Wick gets a literal bulletproof tuxedo
>is for some reason the only assassin to have them despite it being bought with simple assassincoins™
Even fucking Bond and Mission Impossible movies don't do this retarded shit.

>mows down 200 mooks who literally run up 6 feet in front of him instead of shooting
How is this above 50% on any rating scale?

Did he died?

Cassian had one of the tuxedos.

Obviously not.

No, he didn't. The only times Wick shot at him, he missed.

>The only times Wick shot at him, he missed.


You'll find out how wrong you were on that rewatch, buddyo.