
We need a second (real) holocaust for white people edition.

Other urls found in this thread:


Going to start putting the lottery on

am white please kill me

... fat cat ... 20th september 2017 ... /brit/ ...

*gives you a japanese gf*

Earphones in
Nine inch nails - copy of a on
Volume turned up

plymouth is actually an alright place

litterally every person in the picture is below average attractiveness

thailad are you as short as you are in my mind (about 5'5.5)?

>Nice 4 bed house in the country - £250,000
>Jag XF - £20-30,000
>1 nice holiday a year - £1-3000

literally all I need to be happy

>half of /brit/ fucks off for a couple of hours because of such a shit OP
Well done mate.

*has kids*
*they wind up mentally screwed up hapas*

japanese girls are ONLY for fug


tell me about welling

There are at least three that I wouldn't be ashamed to bring home.

Front row, second from right
Second row, third from right
Second row, third from left

Miles O'Brien: Rorke
Julian Bashir: Tarquin

is thailand cute?

this anime is unironically good


My IQ is 100. That's a perfect score.

business idea: a school anime but it's set in a british state school

Guess the kino

what are you watching next season kamen my man, I'm looking forward to LL sunshine and umaru S2

Me & my Baltic bf
Inside Japans cuckoldry scene
Orange Hitler
Cool black guy, Effeminate white boy
Kill the white devil
The right side won WWII
The wrong side won the WWII pacific theatre
My wifes son is a magical girl
Look at this cool black guy
The horrors of the syrian war

Guess the kinograf

love rich evans

love mike

love jay

simples as

not guessing your dumb drawings

Guess the kinographie

Fucking hate bus drivers miserable cunts
Whenever they've been arsey with me I always give them a firm thank you and nice smile on the way out to make them feel bad

another fantastic leaf post

Because you don't even watch kino, pleb. You have no idea.

the front row one is the only one who could maybe be average looking rest are below (just like me desu so maybe I should become a redditor)

never taken an IQ test
what's it like?

is it a fighting anime they are the only acceptable ones

Guess le kino


hot fuzz

hot fuzz

I call my people commonly called anglos, humans and the rest I call subhumans.
Not racist at all just shows how connected as a people we are.

*drives past your stop because you pressed the button a few seconds too late*
*taps the no talking to the driver sign when you get up to complain*

greggs sausage rolls are just so much better than those from a supermarket
god bless greggs

*gives you a 20*


undead jaw grill in the flipflops and paisley curtains jarred me, I must admit

Me mam makes the best sausage rolls

The Walking Man

Going to start putting a coupon on

>watching a documentary on napoleon
>he had to go to school before he was even a teenager for 5 years alone in a foreign country and was a loner and an outcast
>the woman he loved didn't love him back
>he said he hated his father because he betrayed his homeland

guess the flick hard more

Be serious. There's a mountain of (You)s in it for a correct answer. Actually forget it. You guys are just too cool for me.

not seen it

hot fuzz

hot fuzz

will give a try to below:
>osomatsu S2
>dances with the dragons
>houseki no kuni
>the ancient magus' bride
>umaru s2

what even is fighting anime?

midnight cowboy

sounds like a bunch of exaggerrated rubbish

Got a Morrisons chicken and chorizo pasty in the fridge but I told myself I was going to heart eating healthier


Well done.

Chuck it in the bin, remove the temptation

Is it not Zulu then mate

Things I don't trust:
>the government
>the media
>civil servants
>talking heads
>the military

Things I do trust:
>the Bible
>strangers on the internet
>when someone tells me something and I can't fact check it

good post

gf said she wanted to try being vegetarian for a week right before a massive chinese, then tried some of the chicken in my sandwiches while she was making them and last night suggested we have steak on the bbq this weekend lol

dumb bimbo


Grip on my runners is completely gone
I'm sliding around everywhere

You have excellent taste and a generous heart. Anyone would be lucky to call you a friend.

sitting in my english garden waiting for the sun

Sarky cunt.

is your mam gregg

want one of those little asian sand gardens you rake for seemingly no reason

Its gotten to the point where i can make judgments on whether something is reddit or not without even consulting Sup Forums. Yesterday i was watching the lego movie and though this is so reddit to myself.

what have you got against david byrne mate?

probably the most watchable and cozy film I've seen this year





>Things I don't trust:
>talking heads

British Birds

Gregg (as in the greggs gregg) was a freemason and has a nonce son and a daughter called Gay


isn't all talking done by heads?

wheres my aussie bf

Good film.

you talk out of your arse mate

why do straws come in paper wrappers?


forgot my link ()

begone THOTs

THOTs begone!

to be hostile toward the mother nature?

Why not make one? It's not difficult
Just get some nice looking sand and aesthetic rocks


You'll have to make it quick I've got a 7:30 reservation at Dorsia



ideally i would like her to obliterate my gibbles via playing ddr

for lunch today




The Fountain maybe i was barely paying attention it was so boring

What film is this scene from?


feckin' maquispol posters

>when john turturro suddenly shows up

made this image of DKR back in 2014 for Sup Forums when i was a meming little 18 year old runtoid

has some sentimental value desu

Just contributing to the thread with some Guess the Kino puzzles. Don't mind me. Just keep posting your anime and Reddit pics we've all seen 1000 times.