Hello, I'm here for the job interview!

>Hello, I'm here for the job interview!

And that's when I told the guy
"Go kill yourself you tumblr whore, no one cares that you watch MLP and that you believe that vagina has more rights than the penis, have you ever thought about what would happen if you went to prison? No? Well you'd get so fucked in the ass that your sphincter would literally no work and every time you had to shit you wouldn't be able to control of the flow and you'd shit everywhere. Maybe this is why I want to kill myself, I live on a planet where these faggots exist."

Nice slide thread faggot


>Hear him(?) out
>Never see him(?) again

>>Hello, I'm here for the job interview!

trickpost, this thing isn't going to apply for a job anywhere

Before a word is out,

"You know this is a professional company right? That is not acceptable here."

W-wh-when can you start?

Social engineering you say? You are hired? When can you start alienating your work colleagues?

You better hope that's a shock collar because i'm about to go lethal

This CV lands on your desk, what do you do?

>Tumblr fag asks for job
>boss fires the Tumblr fag
>Tumblr fag acquires unemployment pay

Nice job user.
You helped America.

>S-sure, G-godleader Trump said w-we haven't filled out monthly employee quota anyway

>Reading job application forms

>Gender tickbox is either unticked or has "other" etc written next to it

I'm a HR person at a major corp. I have personally thrown out endless amounts of these degenerate fuck's forms.

Can't wait to get your job.

We do not employ children.

Tell them they are a cunt and slap them on their trans fatty ass

What CV?

Doing the Lords work.




You can go now.


Thats too bad its a decent GPA

I execute him for being a Barneyfag.

>Sorry, Child Labor is illegal.

oh we're not hiring anymore
please send in the next candidate

How is this Sup Forums-related again?

>Computer Science

Who is surprised?

Au contraire! The Public Sector is full of people like this. The BBC being some kind of holding pen for these types.

>No, you're not.