You are now stuck in the universe of the number 1 film from the day you were born.
You are now stuck in the universe of the number 1 film from the day you were born
Isaiah Ortiz
Jack Robinson
>Pet Sematary
Literally the same boring universe but with some mildly creepy Stephen King shit happening in Maine somewhere
John Bell
Tyler Gomez
>40 Year Old Virgin
Ryder Hughes
That's my favorite Cronenberg film. It is indeed batshit insane and it's also horribly depressing. I, on the other hand, ended up with City Slickers.
Caleb Harris
>Down And Out in Beverly Hills
James Walker
Problem Child 2
Angel Butler
well it is supposed to be in the same universe as now nothing changes except there are elvish swords lying about
Kevin Wood
Robert Reyes
based seagal kino