The 100 Live Thread

didn't see a thread

new episode starting now. get in here!

jesus christ Jasper is a douchebag

Is the show good? I tried to watch it and then it became the same issues over and over again.

I've never wanted to see a character get killed off more than jasper.

It peaked at season 2, ever since it has been ok but a take it or leave it kind of show

it's CW so you get all the default CW drama regardless, take that as you will

>it's a Jasper episode

What did Jasper do now?


The season they were trapped in the bunker was kino until they killed my waifu

fuck you olivia! Pike did nothing wrong!

>didn't have to kill Pike

I'm sorry Kane but yes he needed to die to make some kind of peace with the Grounders

I dropped the show one episode from the finale of season 1, might pick it up on Netflix. Is it still lesbiany?


just acting like his usual assholish self. he mock "floated" jaha on a pond while he was sleeping then stayed outside when what they thought was radioactive rain was falling and pretended he was dying from it

u guys are still watching this? the show has gone full Game of thrones rip off at this point. Nothing but ridiculous clans, prophecies, fairy tales and "MUH WANHEDA!". i started watching for the post apocalyptic feels not this religious nonsense.

Goddammit, Jasper.

And to think Bellamy will die this season and Jasper will probably make it.

who made this no name redshirt boss?

Fucking grounders

Roan isn't exactly wrong here, the dumbshits should have kept him up to date

That worked well. They would be better with Pike now.

well you could but they're too stupid to understand anything. it's like dealing with grade school students, the ones that ride the short bus to school. the only difference is they are super violent and have a lot of blade weapons.



gona need a screen shot of Clarke with the foam on her face and a porn logo in the corner. Please make it Brazzers and not Blacked.

Monty you ignorant shit, do you have any idea what kind of clusterfuck that would cause?

>one of the most valuable

Now that's some shit, Clarke.

she's valuable for reproducing

she can fight without a gun

considering they can't make more bullets this will eventually matter

They need people that can maintain the ark. Clarke was talking about needing engineers, then she picks someone whos only skill is being a crazy killer.

Was that spoiler about Clarke dying in the season 4 finale ever confirmed? Potentially fake script pages were put on twitter but they were taken down for "copyright". Is that enough to confirm?

you need more than engineers, she just brought them up to point out that Monty is a shit tier engineer compared to others

you need doctors, scientists, farmers and soldiers

the ratios for each group might vary but all are essential

lol I called it.

Clarke this isn't rocket science, just fucking rig the lottery

yeah, but he's also young. you need people who can breed or the whole endeavor is useless. anyone over 40 should be immediately off the list. you also need to figure in male/female ratio. you can's just make it a sausage party or vice versa

yup, but I think Harper would be a better choice.

Are we really supposed to believe Octavia has enough arm strength to throw a knife that far and still be able to kill a man?



apparently she had a medical history that makes her risky

kek, when has any character that falls off a cliff into water ever died?


yeah, you're probably right. wishful thinking. and that webm is actually foreshadowing. apparently she's a skilled swimmer even though she grew up on a space ship

this triggers the bellamy

prepare for holocaust mode

I'm starting to think Bellamy is never going to fuck Echo

This series is dead to me after they killed lexa

He'll fuck Luna instead.

Anyone got a download link

I can't be fucked to remember most of the plot. I think season 1&2 were really good but then they did some weird AI overlord thing in season 3?? Did that get resolved? I remember Kaine got crucified or something

A quick rundown would be appreciated

AI got defeated, but set all nuke powerplants to meltdown. They're trying to find a cure for radiation poisoning via mutant nightblood. Grounders still a shit that fuck everything up.

Grounders have always been unreasonable and this group have been the most stubborn and least understanding of the bunch no matter who their ruler is. Not to mention when you do come with something to them they always reject it or claim you're lying. Hell the reason anyone was spying on them were because they believed Clarke was lying.

not as hyped for the new episodes as i was last season.

been different since rip lexa.

hope she comes back after night blood


Ur Waifu is ded and never coming back.

clexa, and fugg off i wanted lesbo adventures.

it's fine though, i was a clarkefag all along.

They killed her again when they smashed the chip.

Watch the episode again lad

spoon feed me

it was the necklace