ITT: Stupid, poorly-made flicks

>inb4: "Um . . . eckshcuse me, but Batman vs. Superman *tears open another Hot Pocket to stuff down his fat gullet* is pure kino! You just don't get it."

its not that bad.

It was the funniest movie of its year.

it's a 9/10 op, sorry you cant appreciate avant garde movies

I wish I could kick your skull in OP you gay redd*tor


>"Um . . . eckshcuse me, but Batman vs. Superman *tears open another Hot Pocket to stuff down his fat gullet* is pure kino! You just don't get it."
Literally no one that likes this film talks this way. At least this film doesn't give me a fucking seizure after every 15 seconds, or isn't cracking Disney level jokes in almost every scene. SS tried way to hard at this unfortunately but turned out surprisingly fun


>Batman vs. Superman didn't suck, b-because Marvel! QUIPS! QUIPS!

You literally dont get it

Lets play a game

Post a single plot hole -- the biggest one you can think of (not that any exist mind you) and If I can refute it in a rational well-argued mannered then you admit your opinion is wrong