How does this change what we are or affect anything?
This guy makes a good point.
OP, why do you care what the media thinks or says? Isn't it common knowledge at this point that everyone everywhere is pushing the same agendas?
You mean, besides the flood of journalist cucks coming in with the summerfags?
It's cool. The weak ones will see images and posts contrary to their beliefs and be scarred for life. The stronger ones might post shit, but it'll be just another turd in the river of shit.
Huh. Guess we gotta ramp up the redpill threads.
>It's like #EndFathersDay all over again.
But didn't we do #EndFathersDay to flush out the femshits with daddy issues?
The Jew Star, Sup Forums has nothing to do with. Sup Forums is a board of peace, you know.
Sort of. I remember it got on Fox News, it was so big.
Wish we could do something like #EndTheFourth and claim it's because the Fourth of July is a white supremacist holiday that celebrates the genocide of native Americans.
But Sup Forums is a board of peace!
Other, more mainstream sites are picking it up, now. Prepare your anus, Sup Forums.
>caring about what the liberal kike media says about us
We didn't cared during muh exploding vans, chanology, gg and the fappening and we don't care now. Get gassed, (((JOURNALISTS))).
It's not that we care what they think of us, I just don't want to be flooded with newfag journos.
That article is too cringe. Slinging "xenophobic" like it's some kind of insult.
Why would I care what some haughty """""journalist""""" thinks of me or the horse shampoo enthusiast message board I post on?
We are already flooded by these jewish pests anyway, what's a couple more of them? Besides, the articles are pointing the finger at the other Sup Forums, you know the only that it's even more right-wing than this shithole.
only a kike would be upset at that very favourable media coverage
>They're calling Sup Forums a "white supremacist" website
W-What?!! Lefties calling non lefties bigot, racist, white-supremacist, nazi, facist etc!
I simply don't habeeb it
>It's this thread again
They are explicitely linking to 8/pol/, normie-wave won't hit us.
>they're calling Sup Forums a "white supremacist" website