The English colonised this hot rock instead of staying in nice mild Western Europe

>the English colonised this hot rock instead of staying in nice mild Western Europe
It's 29 degrees here at the moment and predicted to be 33 this weekend. Anglos have no business being born in Australia.

Fuck the Queen.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Fuck the Queen.
Isnt that punishable by anglo law?

Fuck. The. Queen.

*sniffs petrol*
My land
*dies from being run over while lying on the road*

poosland on pooicide watch


I die from the heat every September to April. I really gotta move somewhere cold

You'll slowly evolve to be compatible with that environment.

oi bruda got 2 bucks for a ciggie

no? fuck you ya white dog dis is moi land

mmmmmm yes hot...

>Those punk ass temperatures
I can drive to Canada for lunch and be back home for dinner and I deal with those temps every year. Quit being a pussy..

why do south australians still pretend that they're part of the australian federation?

They wuz germans n shit

Hot weather doesn't bother me, but it hasn't rained all winter so by christmas half the country will be on fire again and that kind of sucks

im not pretending that u r... wtf... we dont wanna be part of ur retarded eastern state bullshit lmfao

west Texas here. it's 34 degrees literally every day. just lol if you think you have it bad

also the air conditioner in my car broke. just

33 is cool

SA is the most anglo colony overall, even more so than Tasmania since they don't have many irish
the german meme is just in one tiny region

>eastern staters complaining about weather

if you're not from Queensland you can fuck right off, you don't know what heat is like


whiny little poofta

Anything below 35 is fine and even then I'll only think twice about going outside if it's 40

They didn't colonize it to live there, they colonized it to put the worst of the Brits aka Trash of the Empire (Convicts and retards) away from Britain and its other colonies.

it was both

60% of the initial settlers weren't convicts, but it wouldn't have been settled had the North American colonies not rebelled and caused England to lose their convict dumping ground

South Australia and Western Australia were settled for England as private ventures and weren't convict colonies either

pretty much this

Western Europe is top cold. You would have to go to the south of the PIGS nations to find good weather in Europe.

>Complaining about some mildly warm weather
softcock. There's a reason poms are miserable all the time

And just think, all those convicts and retards managed to survive and make a 1st world country without 3000 year old temples dedicated to elephant gods.

Cold weather is good weather.

then leave fuckface

ey whyt fella u got a dolla foh da bus? na? u racis cunt ill git mi cusins on u, muh land

sounds more like a maori

Why don't Australians just import Sudanese people? They are used to the heat and can work more efficiently in it

the heat isn't a problem for 99% of the population

I used to work in temperatures up to 50 C

Hello Auslets.
Ready to die of heat exhaustion this summer? Personally I'm going to enjoy the warm, yet non-confronting New Zealand weather of high 20s to low 30s. Enough to bask in the warmth but not so much I get swamparse after sitting down for 3 minutes. Can YOU say the same?

I'm looking forward to a tectonically stable summer yes

Fuck you I hope your underpaid cricket players get btfo by the poms

*underarms the last ball*

You literally don't need AC at all under 30°.

Just an average run to the corner grocery store in Australia.