Name a worse director, you FUCKING CANT

Has there ever been anyone less imaginative than this dumb fuck

Why does he keep getting work?!

Other urls found in this thread:

Agreed, he stinks and I don't like him.

Hello non conformist friend! Please, if you wouldn't mind, tell me of the high brow film you watch after work that transcend the idiotic rhetoric and nonsense we see spewed in the aforementioned film you have made a jest at. I am looking for films that match our unique intelligence that "normies" couldn't find interest in, let alone understand. Then we could have meaningful discussion of the shared chuckles we've had on a board such as this one here. HAHA! Can you imagine what fun that would be? To together enjoy the conversation of a show that rises to our stature? Truly magnificent.

>movies make tons of money
>How does he get work!?

Gee, that's a tough one

I completely agree

Paul W. S. Anderson
Brett Ratner
Alan Taylor


Yes I can. Judd Apatow is by far the worst piece of shit in Hollywood.


>Brett Ratner

Nice meme

how does (((he))) get work, indeed....

Either shit bait or shit taste. Villeneuve's worst film is better than Abrams' best.

Uwe Boll
that was pretty easy

Red Dragon and Rush Hour 1 are his only films that aren't terrible and neither of them are anything particularly special. J.J. is much better than him and I say that as someone who thinks J.J. is an overrated Spielberg wannabe.

>Michael Bay
>Spike Lee
>The Waylan bros
Try harder faggot chan

Pic related. It's an exact copy of the original Star Wars.

He also does his best to shit on all the old characters. Han is some loser who goes back to his old ways and is an abysmal father. Luke just abandons everyone and hides like a bitch.

He also ran the Star Trek movies into the fucking ground
>literally making a movie about Nazi zombies


and Villeneuve's best is a 5/10.

glad we agree on this

Is TFA an overrated copy of ANH? Yeah. Is it the worst Star Wars movie? Fuck no, that title belongs to AOTC. Is JJ Abrams extremely overrated? Yeah. Is he the worst director of all time? Absolutely not, there are countless directors who are worse.

You spergs need to settle down. JJ is done with Star Wars and Star Trek.

Done raping them? Good.

So you're admitting that Abrams is worse than Villeneuve?

>another kino a la dead snow
I can't wait

he thinks JJ has creative freedom and isnt just a hired goon.

OP confirmed for watching pleb tier Hollywood stuff only.

seriously kid, there are more than 8 directors in the world. and some of them are truly ass-rapingly bad.

Are you an idiot? JJ is one that hires the goons. You have no idea how powerful and connected he is.

sure. that's one way to look at it

Then why did you post in this thread, friendo? This thread is supposed to be about Abrams and directors who are worse than him.

He's techinicaly competent, I'll give him that.

Brett Ratner

what does the 'JJ' stand for?

Hmmm you're right. It was a very tough competition, hard to chose between two turds. I reconsidered and I take it back. Abrams is officially worse than Villeneuve! :^)

Disney suits control Abrams. he gets told what to do and is watched like a hawk to make sure he stays to the plan. Disney will not let a 10 billion dollar masterplan go wrong over some pleb director they can easily replace.

wake the fuck up.

He's just there to work with their checklist and it must've reduced his enjoyment level. This franchise is like a poorly-maintained self-driving car.

>recently made one of the highest grossing films in history
>"Why does he keep getting work?!"
who can say

he also stole into darkness from the wrath of khan

I see your Jew and I raise one nigger.

>he ran the Star Trek movies into the ground

yeah, because before 2009 Star Trek was definitely as successful as it ever was. Never mind the last tv series getting cancelled in 2005 and the last movie coming out in 2002, even though the movies have been shitty since the 80s.

AbramsTrek may not have been "Star Trek", but it was the best movie in the series in decades. Into Darkness sucked, though.

>michael bay
The rock, bad boys, and 13 hours are each better than jjs whole filmography

I can accept this

Ridley is pretty bad and has been for almost 20 years now.

Is Abrams directing anything in the future? Or is he going to be like Lucas in the 80s where he just produces movies and puts his name on them so people think he directed it like Cloverfield.

Also I just realized that out of the 5 films he directed, only 1 was an original story (but not really):
>Mission Impossible semi-reboot (I know it was technically a sequel but it "rebooted" the franchise)
>Star Trek reboot
>Steven Spielberg homage
>Star Trek reboot sequel/Wrath of Khan remake
>Star Wars reboot

honestly surprised that he's not working on Dune or Blade Runner 2049 at this point. Will Denis be the Spielberg to JJ's Lucas?

is it rape if the franchises were already dead? That's like saying Nolan raped Batman. Schumacker did, and the franchise was dead. Nolan revived it and did it differently, just like Abrams with Star Wars/Star Trek

Are you an idiot? Did you know that JJ actually changed the opening crawl at the last minute without even Lucasfilm knowing about it? Not to mention how he was responsible for throwing out good ideas for the film and picking out rubbish locations because he thought it was "authentic".
Thank fuck he's not in control anymore.

Dam JJ abrams

changed it to what? source?

[citation needed]

were the star trek movies even that financially successful?

I don't know, I wish I had some way to search the internet to find that out tho

>Dod Sno getting ripped off again

michael bay

How can Bay be worse when he directed so many billion dollar movies, without having Star Wars attached to the name.

mcdonalds sells billions of burgers too, that doesnt make it good

nice to see Sup Forums still full of meme opinions.

First one was a hit, second one was a moderate success, third one barely broke even (basically a flop, but jj was hardly involved)

Yes it does you fucking idiot.

sure thing, buddy

not your buddy, pal.

>Nazi zombies

Lotta loyalty for a hired goon.

What fucking retard looks at Benidict Cumbatch and says "YUP, THAT'S GENETICALLY ENGINEERED PERFECTION RIGHT THERE!"

Paul Feeeeeeeeeeg

At least his movies are entertaining, or at least 2 of them were.

> im perpetually a child and cant imagine or think outside of pop culture references

kino is dead, nostalgia all the way

Ok, he brought it back from the dead, so now it's in a horrific zombie state, not sentient, all it wants is money instead of brains.

Nope I agree he is the Satan of Jew breed if as I've heard he's a joo around here

agreed, he is a very mediocre director who directs forgettable trash


Melly Mel

Why does he have a cock nose?