In 70 years of television nothing has come close to this masterpiece

In 70 years of television nothing has come close to this masterpiece
Why are TV executives so afraid of pure artistic expression?

Something Hyde, he won't amount to a thing.

He won't, trust me

Mmm bye

My mom touched my penis

Million Dollar Extreme? Nobody, trust me.

Fuck The Irishman, as if we need another fucking gangster movie.

Contemporary remake of Taxi Driver starring Charls when?

>mfw we get scenes of Charls driving through the degenerate city with synthpop playing

Heh, snake eyes

This single clip propelled the entire tv show from "weird and sorta shit" to weird but good

You got a 5 and a 1

Why is Charls so talented bros?

hell yeah

I don't know, but I hope he does more work. Isn't he in L.A. right now?

I also liked the teacher scene




Is he a manlet?

"Why are TV executives so afraid of pure artistic expression?"

- Sam "Anonymous" Hyde, 2017

Sam? Hyde? Nobody. Believe me.

It's a Charls skit though
Fuck Sam, he was just an edgelord, MDE wasn't just him.

I can't believe they actually thought that was good enough to air on national tv. It reeks of college film school wankery. It's so ham handed and bad jesus christ...

>Sam Hyde makes a comedy show
>forgets to make it funny
really makes you think

>>Sam Hyde makes a comedy show
it was clearly more of an experimental thing than full on comedy

Alt right brainlets think this is sophisticated art because it's in black and white LEL

Hey moon version is better

Didnt sound so experimental when he was whinging to Decker about his health insurance, it sounded like it was his entire existence and livelihood!

>ywn be this obsessed
feels good man

Yes, it's not because of its subject matter or anything you dumbass

and what is the subject matter?

The most self-explanatory thing ever, it's about anhedonia

I've never this show nor do I get the "hype" about this Hyde guy, the few bits I've seen posted here were not funny. I don't get this skit either, however it's really well directed for a sketch show. It's a strong concept and well executed. Did Hyde himself direct it?

no, Andrew Ruse did.

5'8", sam is 5'9"

>Possession has got to be at least nine thenths of the law

>You left your problems at the door.

Nah, no way, Sam is like 6 feet man

Hi Sammy long time no see. You know people can just look at your bio where it says your actual height and age right? Just for the people who don't want to have Sam Hyde anywhere near your search history he is
>31 years old
>on MassHealth
>currently unemployed
>shilling his youtube videos on the Sup Forums board of Sup Forums
>begging for people to buy his book
>linking his patreon and begging for donations
>living at home with his parents

Sam is like 6"4"

>Joe realises he's a failed journalist and instead goes into the private eye business