Is Obama the first Jewish president?

Is Obama the first Jewish president?

His mother doesn't exactly look African-American.

Other urls found in this thread:

he's a pirate

jews can't be pirates

He looks like a young Alfonso Ribiero

he looks like a nigger

Obama confirmed for Somalian Pirate

she is kinda hot

Well now I see where he got his chin from

You can't be serious.

i am, then again i'm a bit trunk, so i'd fuck anything right now.

Look at me.

I'm the President now.

I sometimes wonder if the real Barry Obama is still alive somewhere. Just wishful thinking. I don't know how people say it's him with a straight face.

you need to stop fapping to maisie williams


Is that long jaw silver with a nig nog

>earring in right ear

>dat kike face
Jesus Christ how horrifying

just ignore it's obama's mom

>implying you wouldn't

>maisie williams
i have standards user

You goys are exporting your cucking commercials to Peru too. Gratefully old spice sales went down.

Its only a matter of time till people Photoshop her chin.


She's not pretty, at least in my eyes, not pretty at all, but hey she's Obama's mother, so that makes her special i guess. I find this thread pointless anyway.

B L A C K E D . C O M

Race mixing 101

How can it be that the kid always identifies with the nigger side

He was the first cuckold president that's for sure.

Gavin calls him the first single mother to be president.

I had heard she was a jew, which means.
He's a redpilled niggerjew who is rebelling against the cabal.
What a fucking twist.

This is not true. There are plenty of mongrels that also side with the white side of their race.

Also Obama is just a puppet.

Is this a joke?

He holds meeting and talks with George Soros and His son.

He openly supports Hillary and was in Britain to block out the Brexit.

He race baits, has doubled your debt and lied about Libya, Syria and Isis. And continues pushing statist policies such as gun "control", more immigration and refugees to flood the usa, supports gay "rights" etc etc.

He is not one bit redpilled he is the ultimate weapon of the Jew.

I'm not too sure about him meeting and talking with Georgey boy no more, I don't think either would, at this point.
Alex is a different story, and Alex is also in the same boat as Obama.
Libya Syria and ISIS are hillary and the clinton foundation's actions.
As for the rest, it's plausible deniability/he has to do the bare minimum so that Georgey and Hillary don't JFK him.

In fact I should've realized that Obama had turned on them when Joan Rivers had called Michelle a tranny. That was a signalled insult to him from (((them))).

He actually does

His mom would fuck anybody as long as they weren't white.
