If you are a bicycle user, go kill yourself, ok

If you are a bicycle user, go kill yourself, ok.

I fucking hate you, you bother everybody on the road, I wish you were all dead.

You are even worse than Arabs.

Other urls found in this thread:


The road isn't yours, Dylan

Glad we can finally agree on something, Pierre.


We have own bicycle roads most places, and also I tend to ride my bike in the woods or in the mountains.

You mad m8?


deal with it pierre

This means war. Prepare the army! The dutch bicycle horde shall ride out soon.

I ride my bike year around when going to work. Does not matter if it snows or rains.

lol stay mad you carcuck
99% of carcucks are just pathetic fatfucks who can't enjoy riding
While you go bankrupt for oil price and car insurance we're being healthy everyday

>drive on street
>get red light
>just switch to sidewalk

c(uck)ar peasants lmayo

the best thread

car drives are a scourge to human society

When will France win their own little race again?


daily reminder to slow your roll

what if im an arab on a bicycle?

Your opinion is abso-fucking-lutely right and legit my friend.

I'd be more than willing to pay 50% income tax if our government start laying lethal auto-elevating bumps on bike lanes to cleanse those shithead poverty wheels from our roads

Commuting by bicycle makes people less fat and less likely to get lifestyle diseases and contributes to the expenditure curtailment of public health insurance. Bicycle is a great invention. I thought Frenches invented it.

>made my Madone, Cannondale, or Cervelo costs more than anyone's car here


burger weeb english teacher detected

going by bike is 200IQ



Shitty English teachers are the ones who ride bikes like blind and crippled islamic terrorists here.
They must be beheaded.

i hope he was run over by a ten ton truck that day just like the smiths song

You seem to be stressed and frustrated. You lack exercise I guess. Why don't you ride a bicycle?

Same here

Calm down Davido-teacher-kun