Who will play the Obamas in the inevitable biokino?
Who will play the Obamas in the inevitable biokino?
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There's already been one
first black guy to publically marry a tranny. i don't really see what the fuss is all about
Did they fire the CBS cameraman for being problematic?
yea me neither michael was passable
Nigga that was hot as fuck.
Me and me lads
>Write and Produce "The Audacity of Hope" film, detailing Obama's young life under the tutledge of Saul Alinsky and Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers and literally all the awful people he associates with as a politician
>but have a woman play him
>If Obama speaks out against that decision, he's a "transphobic bigot" and misogynist, ruining his legacy and hurting the DNC
>If he supports it, he and the DNC become a joke for the rest of America (the majority of voters), thus ruining his legacy and hurting the DNC
Perfect storm.
>Sasha will never laugh after licking your pleasant pop
I'm gonna end it
But we already got Obama flicks, and they were shit liberal hagiographies. Like hahahah your pet negro you projected all your values onto turned out to be a neocon globalist who continued George Bush neocon intervention and destroyed the Middle East. Lmao, good job liberals, really fucked up healthcare too as his major domestic policy initiative.
I cannot believe that his daughters weren't intentionally being a tease.
I mean, they couldn't possibly have been unaware of the camera being on them.
>insinuate sexual tension between a young Obama conflicted about his identity and his liberal mentors
Teanna Trump and Skin Diamond
A lot more passable than Melanio at least
Even better.
And make Michelle a literal man. Played by Idris Elba. And they refer to each other like it's not even a thing
>MelMANia is 5'11"
How the fuck would you not know that's a tranny?
Wherever he is, I hope he's happy now.
I wish there was a rightwing Oliver Stone who made movies about liberal presidents.
Lmao stay jelly Barry
>An FDR movie where he's an asshole who ruins the country's future and workforce and his wife is an UGLY lesbian.
>A JFK movie where he's an arrogant alcoholic playboy who gets drunk on the day of a parade which lowers his reaction time and gets assassinated. That's the conspiracy that took off.
>A Clinton movie where literally everything is completely unfabricated and Bill is a rapist, Hillary might actually be the devil, and they steal millions from black people in Haiti and Jamaica, and might even kill some Americans along the way. Filmed in the style of Bonnie and Clyde.
some no talent nigger im sure, fitting
desu a serious movie about Obama's internal conflict about lacking an identity could be serious kino, especially if it can depict his development as a third culture kid, and some sort of lacking relationship with his father, which leads him to take on this fake "black" identity, and some event which leads to his arrogance.
I imagine the ending could be his election victory, superimposed with scenes of liberals projecting all of their hopes, dreams and character upon a man who has no describable identity of his own.
It should be a horror movie where a kid tries to escape a washington sex dungeon.
I was gonna say "no that's podesta" then i remembered.
>paying with cash
>using the plastic Jew
there is no way anybody would rather fuck michelle, i literally refuse to believe such nonsense
That's a lot of buzzwords.
You'll fit in just fine here, newfriend.
Obama has aged so much because having teenage daughters JUSTs all men
I'd fuck both 2bh.
Having daughters must be incredibly stressful.
>Malia will never lick your semen like that
blacked when?
>yes please track all my purchases
>I love big data!
>using the paper jew
Yuck what's wrong with her vagina?
She looks like Marilyn Manson bruh
Honestly, I'm being tracked and fucked as it is. I might as well just get that 1% cash back.
why do I have an erection
there's been two
two male niggers
Michelle looks like a swell lady desu, while Melania looks rather unpleasant to be around and daft.
Is Obama the Brad Pitt of presidents? He is always eating something
>a lady
figures that a lefty would find a tranny more attractive than a model
God I fucking hate his daughters so much
>swell lady=ugly as sin
>rather unpleasant=stacy
i agree
Models past their expiration dates could quickly turn sour, especially after trying to unsuccessfully conserve their beauty through plastic surgery.
Michelle seems perfectly fine, and genuine, at least. And I say that as as someone who loathes Obama.
haha shut the fuck up faggot. Michael is a man get over it
fatbeard in the back knows it
She's a fake bitch
really fires up my neurons
jesus christ black girls are ugly
god i want to see my off white cum on her pearly white teeth.
michelle is a man
Eddie Murphy is the obvious choice. For playing all the family members.
Do african american women really eat ice cream like THAT???!!
>not just stealing everything you want to avoid Jewish tricks
chances of him fapping to Malia later that day: 100%
Only white ice cream
>tfw still have to google which one's Malia and which one's Sasha after 8 years
Did Americans really elect people based on stupid conspiracy theories?
Is there a reason for your hate, besides autism and racial resentment due to being a NEET?
yfw his daughters fuck white chads to get back at daddy holy shit what a nightmare
i'm sorry my white brothers i know now how you feel
>This is what Republicans really believe
their dad is half white
and this is what liberals believe
and this is what Republicans really believe
thank god I will never be a father