Legitimately the best movie of the year

>legitimately the best movie of the year
>will most likely win best picture, and rightfully so
>Sup Forums will cry "oscar bait wahhhh"

Screencap this.

Almost everyone on Sup Forums who actually watched this thinks it's kino, faggot.

all of the best picture threads on here usually have people picking this



>winning best kino over La La Land

I liked it more but you know Hollywood loves Hollywood

>will most likely win best picture

Nah. La La Shit is the clear front runner there.

Moonlight will probably walk away with one Oscar for Mahershala Ali and that's it.

>best movie of the year
Jenkins has some skill in getting performances from his actors, but as a storyteller and cinematic craftsman, on the basis of this movie he's amateurish. This movie, like Boyhood, didn't really have anything to say. The boy is uninteresting and remains so as a teen and young man, and the sensitive mounting of the issue of his sexuality doesn't inherently make the movie more valuable as an artistic endeavor.

The film is just fundamentally a weak story that's being overly commended because of its managing to present characters not frequently portrayed onscreen (a decent man who's a successful drug dealer, a black inner-city youth with homosexual leanings, a bad mother who's not a monster, etc. - all very interesting potentially, but not so much in the service of drama this mundane and superficially developed).

>Le Le Epic


It deserves best picture, director, and cinematographer
Best actors to the Fences people
Dumb music shit to La La Land
Screenplay to Manchester

"The clear front runner" hasn't actually won best picture for the last two oscars.

It's the only category that's actually difficult to determine where the academy seems to express some level of actually caring about the medium.