What does Sup Forums think of this show?

What does Sup Forums think of this show?

why doesnt it have actual jokes?

how do you mean?

I haven't watched half of it half as much as I would like, and I like less than half of it half as well as it deserves.


first two seasons were hilarious. Nerdy contrarians will say it sucks because deep down they're depressed that they never got to bro-down with any friends in their twenties.

The current season is a bit of a return to form, I enjoy it personally. Although they lost their direction for awhile there.

Came out when I was still in high school, can't believe it's been 7 years. Stopped watching around season 4

>7 years


Its one of my favorite comedies, the stories might be bad sometimes but the quick wit between the three of them makes it feel almost like Fawlty Towers when they just go back and forth

Carl is the best character

millennial garbage for complete faggots. You're a fucking faggot

one of the worst shows i've ever seen


>just turn your brain off, bro
but honestly it is fun show

I really liked it, though I've only seen 3 seasons. Great show to get high to (DUDE WEED LMAO)

Thats the most american pic ive ever seen

I want ders to fuck me

mediocre otherwise

>okay its onders okay
>i have a hard on

if you like this show you should cut your dick off and duct tape it in your mouth

bullshit aside.

very very very high quality.
improv makes it feel really natural.

legit 8/10
maybe laugh out loud funnier than Always Sunny more often.

>They want me to believe Anders wouldn't be smashing grade A pussy daily even though he's a fucking goof

Come the fuck on.

All of the characters take equal time being insufferable to watch. I watched the first season and didn't hate it but didn't really like it. It's on Amazon and makes a decent background noise show.

I unironically love it

did you really need to add this? Do you really need to be such a constant cock sucking faggot user?

lmao u mad nerd?

>tfw hung out on the roof of our new house today drinking beers and listening to music with my wife and her sister while they were sunbathing because it was unseasonably warm here

I kept thinking about those "Do Americans actually do this?" threads the whole time and chuckling to myself. Apparently we do.

It's great. Obviously the target audience is young dudes who can relate to the humor

Ran out of ideas almost immediately and resorted to gross out humor. 3/10 and I'm being generous

used to be good

Hate how it just devolved into them being gf and friendless losers. In the first episode they even hold a big party with tons of people there.

Season 4 is the goatest of all time

I dislike cringe humor, and everything I saw after like halfway through season 2 was cringe embarassment humor.

I'm going to guess you aren't very intelligent if you consider it be
>very very very high quality
I mean really. I cannot fathom how anyone could genuinely think that.

Chilling on the roof is fucking awesome as long as it isn't super slanted and you don't get too hammered and fall off to your death. It's way better if you have a ranch house with a flat roof. Then you can just sit up there crushing beer all day and pissing off into the garden while watching the neighborhood like it's your own personal TV show.

Sup Forums is a magnet for fucking retards

they're whatever comedians in real life and patrice o'neal doesn't like them. So they suck

Season 1 and 2 are pretty funny. Season 3 is a sharp decline and barely funny. 4 was shit and I haven't watched it since then.

its a meme you dip

not rocket science fellas.
It makes people laugh, a lot.

>patrice o'neal doesn't like them

That fat convicted rapist gorilla corpse was just jealous that those young guys were getting attention and he wasn't. That was the most embarrassing and salty clip for Patrice in his fat gorilla life. I hope he's roasting in hell with the rest of the convicted rapists with his ugly harambe face, you could literally push it into dough and make gorilla cakes.

But yeah they are mediocre as fuck comedians.

My friend tried to get me into it and I had to drop it after the 3rd episode.

>people say this is the best season

First two seasons were GOAT but after that it went to shit.

its okay, the quality took a nosedive though

still watching for alice

first couple of season were funny
went downhill around the time that Alex Borstien made a cameo

>It's an Alice won't do incest roleplay with me episode