Predator is better movie than Alien

Predator is better movie than Alien.

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Predator is not a better movie than Alien. They are both the peak of their respective sub-genres, though.


Predator is a better action thriller than alien. Alien is a better horror suspense than predator

Both are easily 10/10s

Predator is a more memorable movie than Alien.
does Alien have the best handshake/highfive in the history of cinema?

Incorrect. Predator is better franchise than Alien.

Eh. Not including the AvP or Prometheus shit, maybe.

Aliens = Predator > Predators > Alien > Alien 3 = Predator 2 > Alien: Resurrection

Terminator 2 > Aliens > Predator > Alien 3 > Terminator > Alien > Terminator 3 > Alien 4 > AVP > Predator 2 > Predators > Prometheus > AVP2