How do I look this young?
How do I look this young?
He's a vegetarian.
Wear sunscreen
Drink lots of water
Eat vegetables
Take growth hormone peptides
Vegan I think.
Also don't drink or smoke
Alcohol kills cells, which means your cells have to reproduce, aging you.
Smoke causes mutations, which means your cells won't function as well which means you don't look that healthy and consequently older.
And if you smoke and drink at the same time that's actually exponentially worse than doing either by itself, because you kill a bunch of cells and then leave mutants behind that have to reproduce to make up for all the dead cells.
>perfect facial symmetry
>great bone structure
it's genetics.
this helps a bit.
I smoke one or two a day and have for the past 6 years.
I'm afraid you're going to die
Follow him on snapchat. Sometimes he posts non vegan shit. Not sure if he eats it though. And to answer OP; Good genes and the blood of virgins. Even his mom is a 10/10 GILF
No I'm getting life extension while you croak, serf.