What'd you think of this?

What'd you think of this?

First story was OK, a bit cliche'd but I liked how low-energy it was for a hostage situation. Didn't really care about the characters though.

Second story was better, more sad, but less heavy-handed. Michelle Williams was a realistic evil bitch character.

Third story was also pretty sad but it also was cute. I loved the KStew as the "totally not a dyke" teacher.

It's not my favorite Reichardt but it was OK.

it was slow and borning just like every other movie

yeah it was particularly boring but Kelly's movies are like that so I didn't really mind the languid pace and the focus on the great outdoors (Montana is fucking beautiful). I think Night Moves was much better though.


>muh women
who cares

well the director is an old dyke.

wish k stew would soccer kick me in the nutsack tbqhwy

gimme replies

Kristen is so gorgeous.

she looked really tired in this movie :(

still qt tho

Stew has never looked more gorgeous. I have a thing for dark circles under the eyes.

>she will never defecate on me

looking more like marion cotillard

sooooo was she a lesbian? I didn't understand the ending.

kstew is cute!


The nose knows.


If you were an autistic Indian lesbian and KStew spent all night riding horses and having deep spiritual conversations with you but then said she never wanted to see you again how would you kill yourself?

Me? I'd swing a machete around really fast and cut my own head off

how is she so perfect bros?

I feel like all you needed to know going into this film is that it's a Kelly Reichtardt film. This isn't going to convince detractors and it's going to be thoroughly enjoyed by the converts. This is just a Reichardt film, for better or for worse.

holy shit she will always be the best girl, fml.

Are you the indian lebian? I'm sorry to hear that.

I think I would also have a hard time being perma-rejected by Kstew because I think she's the best.

6 days a week I try to improve myself in every way so that I can become someone she might have liked.

It's the plot of the movie

KStew cucks this poor girl TO DEATH

She does to her heart what Edward Norton did to that guy's head in American History X

Damn that's cold. I wonder if she's like that in real life too.

considering the rate she goes through girlfriends, yes

From Wikipedia synopsis:

Jamie (Lily Gladstone) is a ranch hand living in isolation during the winter, tending to horses on a farm outside Belfry. Heading into town one night, she sees cars turning into the school and follows them. She learns she has stumbled onto a class on school law taught by a young lawyer, Beth Travis (Kristen Stewart). Jamie goes out to eat with Beth after class, and Beth explains that she lives in Livingston which is a four-hour drive away, so she must make the eight-hour round trip twice a week to make it back in time for her real job.

Despite having no interest in education law, Jamie returns to class week after week. One week she brings one of her horses to class, and she and Beth ride the horse to the diner. The following week, she is stunned when she learns Beth has quit and a new teacher is brought in as a permanent replacement. Jamie then immediately leaves the class and drives straight to Livingston. Spending the night in her car, she spends the morning driving to law offices hoping to find Beth. Locating her address, Jamie sees Beth in the parking lot and told her she drove over knowing that if she didn't she would never see her again. Beth fails to respond and so Jamie leaves abruptly. On her way home, she falls asleep at the wheel and plows into an empty field.

Back at the ranch Jamie tends to the horses, still painfully alone.

Well she didn't actually get cucked then, she thought her law teacher was a lesbian because they had dinner.

that's the whole movie?

She got cucked, user

Cucked by life

No, the movie is three vignettes and that's KStew's

Okay that I can get.




>spot the fake lesbian


Night Moves and Wendy & Lucy were a lot better. This was Old Joy-tier.

im going to marry kstew one day

We all will

krager on suicide watch

Jesus christ that dress

men cant be "dykes" user

no, just me

IKR she's the worst

u better hurry up then, im close to sealing the deal

The third story was great, I'm really surprised the main girl in that wasn't nominated for anything.

Dem mom jeans tho

She's pulling them off somehow

I want to make babies with her feet.

Because she's literally who

I dunno, I feel like the same thing could be said about Ruth Negga

At least she's in TV and stuff. They got this woman from Montana.

of course, its kstew

Still waiting to see personal shopper

my heart cant take this qtness

make kstew straight again!


Make her even gayer

Full Ellen Page tier megahomo


LITERALLY nothing happens - the movie

Even when full boy i think she's qt though

It'd be like having a non-degenerate gay experience - with a girlboy with not one, but two fully functioning boypussies

gay is fine, butch is not

I love her ahego face

make kstew great again

didnt even think about it like that, lewd as hell i like it.

11/10, those legs goddamn, she looks ethereal with long hair and feminine clothing

Doctor doctor give me the news i got a bad case of loving stew

its okay, i cringed too as i wrote it out



Drive remake with Kstew when?


how can this even exist


i like the shoes for some reason
i think it's because they look difficult to walk in helpless damsel kstew is my fetish


>what about their legs? they dont need those
