What's the best way to smuggle this into the theater?

What's the best way to smuggle this into the theater?

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Wrap in tinfoil, slip in jacket pockets.

It's Papa Johns dummy

Stack slices in 2 and foil wrap em. Put one pair in each pocket you got. Wear a hoodie for more slices

>not recognizing that Papa crust

Pizza plebeian.

Put it in extra large ziploc bags and put them in a backpack with the rest of your snacks and drinks

>tasteless cuck shitting on GOATminoes
End yourself

When you walk past the Theatre Moat over the drawbridge, sometimes the Knights have low visibility through their helmets. During this time you should hide the 'za somewhere you can come back and retrieve it. Once you get inside you will of course be heavily searched by the film Monks, and there is no way to get food by them. But if you double back to your hiding place after the cavity search you should be good to go, just stay in the kinights' blind spots! This has worked so far for me, happy travels!

where's the warm peperoncino