Just binge watched this movie

Just binge watched this movie.

Did anyone else believe women should only be used as sex slaves in a prepper bunker?

The female protagonist single handedly kills eveyone in the

How do you binge watch a movie?


1x speed, three sittings or less




Always binge watch the trailer first, to ensure you will enjoy the movie.

>woman wakes up in what could a rape dungeon
>first thing she does is check her phone
i actually believe it

She gotta see how many likes she got on breaking up relationship facebook post

Implyin black guys using a farm for anything other than marijuana fields

Only watched it eye closed so i can't tell.

I think it's a new meme. I'm getting out of touch with this place.

>new meme

Holy shit

Yes MEW needed to be bread

>binge watching a single movie once

Sup Forums truly has the worst memes.

It's no meme. Youngfags can't watch movies in one sitting anymore because they're all born with ADHD. Get ready for the point in the next ten years when intermissions have to be reintroduced into theaters.

If I was rich I'd build a prepper bunker. Seems like it'd be a lot of fun.

I want to fuck that mew

I was looking at Mary Elizabeth's feet the whole movie.

This movie annoys me because why keep emmet alive when the reality is howard has some sort of daughter complex and probably only wanted to keep MEW down there with him.

Also talk about horrid acting, I understand he's going for the "ohh this is how 20-somethings flirt they talk about job and school and getting tattoos" but christ

a few reasons he might keep emmet around:

-loyalty to him because he helped build the bunker
-a sense of shame for his kidnapping tendencies that makes him strive to stay normal
-a desire to maintain humanity's population after the event ends


Why didn't they go with the original ending of her escaping the bunker and seeing a destroyed city in the distance? Or even her seeing the aliens and her "No way" as the closer. It feels like the whole point is that Howard was right and everything after that is pointless filler for a War of the Worlds ending. I loved the rest of the film and didn't mind it being aliens but the ending dragged after the high of Michelle escaping.

Im not young but its true most movies just suck balls and i watch them in parts. If i watch a movie from start to finish nowadays its a binge.

>movies just suck balls and i watch them in parts

maybe dont watch movies

So, he was a crazy murderer-rapist AND he was preparing for the apocalypse?

a movie is meant to be watched in one sitting, by breaking it up you are literally removing the experience from its intention. You are quite literally destroying continuity, pacing, arc and build emotion.

probably producer interference to make it more marketable. i agree, the payoff is seeing that it actually is aliens and that Howard didn't make it up. Everything after that is useless

I pretty much don't. I watch maybe one or two a year.

Yeah i know but movies just suck nowadays.

Except for the last part, the prisoner theme is overdone in movies.

>tfw no MEW in my basement