everything wasn't meant to be this way edition
please reply
>everything wasn't meant to be this way
Iktf. But since things have gotten to this point i'm not sure if I can turn things around.
I have dejavu every single day with this thread. It's an American complaining and a Finn agreeing with him, and vice versa everyday. Wtf?
iktf as well it
no ones complaining just having a conversation
I'm not chi but I relate to your suffering
everyone has a bit of CHI in them
If you are going to start following football you should start watching european leagues tbqh.
Ustedes indios son americanos dejen de hacer threads como si fueran un general de pais o algo
that would mean i'd have to take it serious and mls is perfect for me since I don't really care about it theres also a lot of more meme matches
Atleast follow international football (qualifiers and tournaments, no need to bother with friendlies). The world cup with Sup Forums is pretty fun.
i'm not even sure where to watch though or when the games are
Fifas website has the qualifier dates and times.
i might check it out theres a couple shows i watch coming out soon so i also have that to look forward to
What shows? On another note
>it's almost 6
channel zero
mr robot
What type of woman are you looking mr CHI?
just kneed janny in the balls for his past transgressions
>everything wasn't meant to be this way edition
how have you been?
hey CHI
laptop posting for once, it's lovely. hope you day is going well. did you go outside today? it was beautiful today. lots of sun in pennsylvania. this thread is dejavu though, same thread four time a day.
are you gonna get a job? do anything for self-imrpovment today?
I don't want to work
I want to shitpost on Sup Forums all day
I don't want to play
I just want to shitpost on Sup Forums all day
Ever since I was a tiny boy
I don't want no candy
I don't need toy
I took a keyboard and an old mouse
I shitposted on it 'til I got
Blisters on my hand
When I get older they think I'm a fool
The teacher told me I should stay after school
She caught me posting within the computer lab
But my posts were so sad
I made the teacher want to cry
And that's why
>did you go outside today?
can't remember the last time I went outside
>same thread four time a day
mods kept deleting it they tend to do that every now and then
>are you gonna get a job?
>do anything for self-imrpovment today?
also you're gay
no u
>tfw you didn't love the lyrics this time
the next thread will be better, mijo
also fuck the janny
they weren't bad the first ones where way better though
somtime tomorrow I'll get some drunken inspiration
what do you do anyways?
not a whole lot but I have a childhood friend I see on Fridays. so I just wait for Friday to come.
are you a NEET?
for the most part. I occasionally get shitty oddjobs and make chump change.
what do you do on an average day?