Hey Sup Forums, I'm not a regular here, but I'd like some recommendations

Hey Sup Forums, I'm not a regular here, but I'd like some recommendations.

I just watched Stranger Things, and even though I acknowledged it was corny as fuck, I still enjoyed it. It was the same feeling I had while watching Lost.

I really enjoyed episodes 1 and 2, where I really didn't know what was happening, but it started to be kinda obvious when the Beth thing happened. But I still enjoyed the rest.

So, what shows/movies would you recommend me that are similar to this? I liked the mystery, the 80s style, and the government conspiracy. I don't think I've seen many things from this "genre", whatever it is.


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John Carpenter

i fell in love with eleven when I watched first series. is it pedo?

What he said. Also The Guest, Super 8 (which is more 70s nostalgia but has a similar tone), and ET.

Already talking about pedo shit

thats pretty common

I'm most curious about what happened with Will and where Eleven actually went. The Monster very clearly got ripped apart, but Eleven disappeared intact.

Let the right one in, Where the wild things are, Moonrise Kingdom, Terminator1/2

Anyway I really enjoy the performance by Finn Wolfhard, plus he's cute.

I think Eleven will return at the end of season two. Can't wait.

Just hope the success of the show doesn't go to his head. Child actors already go through a lot.

Not really since she looks like a 40 year old lesbian

Anyone thinks it's overrated? It's pretty good, but it's not "OMG AMAZING" how are people portraying it.

Loved the atmosphere of Terminator 2. Nothing ever got close to it for me.


It broke no new ground. Had an interesting spin on a lot of old ideas, which appeals to people's nostalgia. That's not to say its popularity is undeserved.

don't like her with longer hair, shit

He still does twitch stream and play video games all the time, so I think he's just as normal as any kid.

OP here, thanks for the recommendations, I'll check them out.

What genre Stranger Things actually is? Does it count as Scifi? Fantasy?

It's sci-fi plus some horror

Wonder why they had only one subject in their experiment at Hawkins Lab. And whether Eleven's powers are inheritable.

Also, what does Hopper has to do with the agents? Is he a spy? Or why did they let him out of the lab the first time? They thought he will take them to eleven?

I actually though it was a mini-series, so I was pretty pissed when they announced season two. It would be perfect as miniseries, now it's just gonna be another money cow.

As popular as it is, you really thought they wouldn't keep going? Not to mention all the obvious sequel hooks in the last episode.

I don't understand what the focus of the bulk of the second season will be without eleven. I really think it should have just been a one-season miniseries


it's a meme but honestly it reminded me of freaks and geeks in tone/style despite being of completely different genre

I don't know, I thought it was gonna end with Eleven killing (?) that thing, and that's the end. Don't know why, but the whole thing had a really mini-series-esque feel. And Netflix are the ones to pull it off. It's a shame.

Is it confirmed Eleven won't be in Season 2? I was thinking they'd have her reappear at the end of the first episode of S2.

Anyone has tips for shows with heavy conspiracy + mystery theme?

She literally appears alive and well in the season 2 teaser

You're a normie. You'll enjoy Marvel movies and Game of thrones. now fuck off.

Turbo Kid
If you haven't watched that yet it is great. Made in 2015 but it is made to look and feel like something from the mid 80s and it pulls it off extremely well. Lots of early Peter Jackson over the top PRACTICAL gore. Takes a while to get to it but it is great. It is kind of a Mad Max post apocalyptic movie on BMX bikes.

also on netflix btw

The show turns to shit almost instantly after episode 3 or whatever was the "reveal" episode.


Stranger Things
>horribly written
>shit acting for the most part
>dimensionless characters
>cliched and unoriginal in every regard
>dude muh 80s

>unique concept
>acting is pretty good overall
>great characters
>explores a vast number of different subject matters: secret societies, time travel, god-like entities, paranormal phenomena, etc
>though the writers went nuts and didn't really know where they were going, they did a good job of tying it all together, and it is still very interesting to watch

Utopia, Millennium, Mr. Robot, the X-Files.

It's basically hipster normies who overrated the shit out of this. Whenever something like this comes out the ""nerds"" and ""geeks"" come out saying how it's the best f*cking thing ever, because they're almost expected to do so, they want to fit in with what is hip and trending. If they go against the herd and say it's just arlight, or god forbid, bad, then they pretty much lose their hipster cred.

Stranger Things
>refreshing snack-sized entertainment for few evenings

>boring shitshow pretending to be deep-n-adult spanning over multiple seasons that doesn't see an end

do people think x-files are actually good?

I do.

It was the only TV show I actually managed to go through the first season.

Stranger Things added nothing of value to the genre; every idea it had was stale and unoriginal. Regardless if you think its popularity is deserved or not, a show like this should not be celebrated. It's almost sickening how dishonest and derivative it is, and the fact that so many people applaud it as one of the best shows ever made is a little scary for the state of television. Why create something original and truly new when you can just rehash old ideas and pander, and be incredibly successful at it too? It's uninspired, cheaply made entertainment masquerading as nostalgia bait of the worst kind.

theres no overlap between these 2 words. if you dont like something because other people like it, just say so, no need to throw around memewords.

>because other people like it

you just can't accept your pleb show is shit can you

>adding a bunch of "themes" and references means good

Well this show certainly seems to infuriate pseuds.

>I think Eleven will return at the end of season two. Can't wait
her father asked 10x moneys and they decided to drop her completely

I can't wait to see her career crash and burn, I hate that kid's overaged pretentious face

He actually asked for a billion times more money not ten you fucking retard get your made up facts straight


Just compare the first season of ST and LOST. The difference in quality is like night and day.

And this is coming from someone that didn't really like LOST (Seasons 1-3 were great, though it all went down hill from there).

>why they had only one subject in their experiment
Nigga you are a retard.

Technically he is sorta right.

They had one subject, which was the eleventh version of that subject.

Only one at the time of the show. What happened to the other ten?

What is the meaning of this?

That the telekinetic government experiment is barefoot and bored.

I feel like Stranger things was a wasted opportunity.
It should have been Goonies the tv show. That way they could easily have a new adventure each season. Instead it was period suspense.
Does anyone really give a fuck about getting more of the same non story?

I enjoyed it and am looking forward to seeing more, personally.

Is your life so empty that some thing like Stranger Things actually excites you?

10/10 soundtrack too

