In a perfect world

In a perfect world.

I forgot to erase the mistakes.

uk all the way to the pyrennes, wtf

Sure... France is a centralized statist shithole. In a perfect world, we belong to UK.

they used to be there historically

If England won the 100 year war then it might happen

>I'm now part of the UK

Could be worse

Too bad, we cannot travel to the past to help them.

desu, burgundy should annex what's left of france

Calais should be British

Actually, French king would own both England and France and the dominant culture would be the French culture

it was more the other way around the french in this region were in england

T. YourDadIsBritish

>germany is color of poop
parfait :)

France winning the 100 years war was the worst mistake in history then.


But I don't really want to admit I want France to lose a war :^)

Not exactly. Englishmen never 'colonized' the area.

In a more perfect world

Where is Chad?

that's not what i said

Probably fucking Atlantean Stacy

I know :^)

What a lucky man, he was!

uk is centralized as fuck too.


france needs to die

Just give Burgundy to Austria or Spain

No way

To Spain

Austria is not relevant enough to get territories.

UK and Argentina wouldn't stop fighting each other over the Falklands.

You should add a copy of Falklands on the map.

Kaales is rightfully Dutch