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So... Trump!

It wasn't acceptable when Obama did it, and it's not acceptable now either.

It's always acceptable.
If some faggot comes to your house just to cause trouble and lie about you on the internet, you stop inviting that douche.

The government is kept in check. The press needs to be as well.

What about the BBC? I don't know about CNN but the BBC definitely has not spread any lies about Trump.

Moreoever Trump's own administration has lied repeatedly to the media, does that mean these particular members of the administration should be blocked from the media?



Donald Trump decapitating the corrupt liberal press will be his legacy


Supporting trump is the most fucking cuck thing you can do
Enjoy your failed economy and even less credible international presence

t. drumpfkin

>failed economy

look at the DOW nigger


I m Right Wring, but Trump is acting like a dictator, this guy must pay a price

>trump can't handle criticism
>whines like bitch

>based, maga, the man we need

what happened?


That doesn't mean anything, the stock market is a Jewish lie. Get over it trumpcuck.

Trump Train retards getting caught on the tracks, Enjoy being party to the destruction of America because you think videogames are being censored.

>be fake news media
>cry when you get called out on being fake news

reminder that 99% of anti Sup Forumsack posting, anti trump shit and anti "/poltv/" posting comes from 1 low IQ paedo


>dow increases exponentially under obama
>this is a complete failure guyz it doesn't mean shit

who is this cunny bunny

>Trump banters with CNN by not letting them attend an off-the-record press gaggle (it wasn't even a press briefing)
>all hell breaks loose

I don't really understand how this whole Trump - Media war can lead to anything other than embarrassment for both.

What are the oh-so terrible things Trump has done in his first month ? Yet if you read some of the shit retards like CNN right you would think that we are on the brink of WW3, civil war 2 and the end of the republic.

i wouldnt say cnn is fake news. But they do try to mold the truth to fit their narrative

you people just don't get his game do you

it won't last, they will be allowed back in, trump just did it to score points with the fox news audience

I m a price, but dictator is acting like a Right Wring, this guy must pay a Trump

God the BBC are sometimes worse than CNN and they are meant to be impartial.

No media outlets were banned

They should be though

>futures are also high

apparently businesses think he'll be a great president

stay mad cucks, your impotent screeching will sustain us for years to come.

t. doesn't know what fake news is

Remember guys, fake news media is the biggest threat to the people.

funniest post I ever read here m8 thanks

One doesn't have anything to do with the other. Obama never said they hacked the election, but that they hacked podesta to influence the election.

Trump fags are getting seriously desperate now.


Well, the UK is pretty further left than the USA in general, so that's going to be reflected in its media.

Regardless, what I was asking was for evidence that the BBC has LIED about Trump. You can't ban press just because they disagree with with you.

lefties haven't caught on to trump's 12d intergalactic mahjong yet, they never will

cnn cant oppress me no matter how hard wolf blitzer spams

Where were you when fake news got BTFO by Trump?

>What are the oh-so terrible things Trump has done in his first month ?
well he did fill half of his cabinet with Wall Street CEO's and the other half with paranoid nutjobs and party hacks who literally paid to get there

oh, and discussed US nuclear strategy in a country club restaurant with everyone free to eavesdrop, that's always a good one

the entire bubble is speculative. enjoy your summer crash.

CNN and BuzzFeed I get but what did the other outlets do?


by the government XD

>Sup Forumstards still posting headlines without reading the rest of the article
I know you're trying to look smart by doing this, but it's having the opposite effect

We truly live in the best timeline lads

who is this qt?

the thing is Trump isn't bashing the media he's bashing the Media networks which are 2 different things. the networks have finally realized that the internet is killing them and they are fighting against it anyway they can like a 4year old trowing a tantrum getting dragged out of a store after getting told "no candy". because they think they are still relevant when Trump knows they increasingly are not

said mean things about thinnest skinned president in the history of the united states

Who watch the watchmen then you bootlicker fuck

>well he did fill half of his cabinet with Wall Street CEO's and the other half with paranoid nutjobs and party hacks who literally paid to get there
>dude le wall street CEOs are bad praise bernie
>paranoid nutjobs
name one
>party hacks
same as every administration ever
>and discussed US nuclear strategy
nothing classified, so it's literally nothingburger

It's pretty obvious you get your daily news from r/politics

How has your life gotten worse since Trump was elected ? What has changed ?

trump = reddit

cnn = Sup Forums

this is borderline fascist but i cant help but think it's 100% deserved.

Who watches the watchers of the watchmen?

I didn't know it was the Executive branch's duty to police or restrict the free press in any way.


Everything is borderline fascist, these days.

Also, he's not banning or regulating what the press publish, he's just not allowing them to get first dibs on info at the press conference.

CNN is still free to shill at will.

Who watches the watchers of the watchers of the watchmen?

I completely lost the little respect I had for CNN when they brought up with complete seriousness the possibility that a black hole was responsible for that Malaysian airplane disappearing

>the watchmen are a bunch of billion dollar """""news""""" corporation who spend all day shilling for their corporate masters agenda

good one idiot

What happened then?

Where is the fucking airplane then?

> their corporate masters agenda

>process to shilling for his others corporate masters agenda


>Their main sources are twitter posts
>Thinks they're still a relevant news outlet

does this anger you hillbillys

So, did they always describe themselves as "The Most Trusted Name In News", or did that only start after Trump called them fake news?



Obama didn't do this. Stop this false equivalency bullshit. Both sides are not equal.

They were founded by ted fucking turner they have always been fake news

Based Trump
time for some god tier happenings

disgusting my dude
delete your post and post a better girl with it again

>muh globalist cock tastes good slurp slurp the kike media is the only source of truth out there slurp slurp

Oh yeah. They did that.

Fuck it. I was defending them at first. Nah they can go right to hell.

Also all pedos will hang.

remember when leftists kept killing cops in 2016

>there's nothing wrong with putting goldman sachs execs in the white house
did you really just say this?

It wasn't a press briefing, it was an off-the record press gaggle, and it was happening in a smaller room so they had to ban some people from coming in, and they banned CNN and NYT for banter. Bush's Press secretary even said that this has happened a lot

From next week, all this shit will be forgotten because we will have regular press briefings and nobody is banned from those.

This is all media sensationalism.

>dude le wall street CEOs are bad praise bernie
funny I remember Sup Forums hating Hillary because she was going to sell the government out to the kikes running the banks. I remember them talking about her meeting with Wall Street execs like it was proof of complete corruption. I guess now that cheeto jesus is in the white house it's A-OK

>paranoid nutjobs
>name one
Steve Bannon goes without saying. Michael Flynn was straight-up crazy, claiming Obama was a jihadi who laundered money for ISIS and buying into pizzagate

>party hacks
>same as every administration ever
I point you to my image previously which had a Trump cabinet member not only admit she was buying influence, but saying it like it's a positive thing. I thought Trump was supposed to drain the swamp. If he's doing shitty things like every previous administration, that's not really a positive is it?

>and discussed US nuclear strategy
>nothing classified, so it's literally nothingburger
and Hillary had nothing classified in her emails, yet apparently her incompetence was inexcusable and put us in danger. Again see how Trump is doing the exact same shit critics of Hillary claimed, but now it's suddenly OK?

That's not what I asked.

Jesus Christ, I used to think people here were at least semi-intelligent

Not one person in this thread has displayed that they know what "fake news" actually means.

Do you just parrot everything your retarded president says?

libshits just can not stop losing. it's gonna be a long 8 years for you faggots.

What the fuck happened this time?

>Implying CNN can be trusted after actually releasing "news" about Trump paying Russian prostitutes to urinate on Obamas bed

thats what you get

bashing mainstream media is so reddit

>Obama's face when this is all his fault


>no no no Obama totally didnt do this plz stop

>Trump paying Russian prostitutes to urinate on Obamas bed
This sounds so fucking surreal how could ANYONE believe this to be true

Not a libfag but i really dont see him getting reelected. Who knows though

CNN is very fake news, they don't care.

sauce if you please

is this an example of fake news

>hillary had nothing classified in her emails
FBI said otherwise

Jesus fuck how can you live with yourself ? Why would you even lie this much ?

what happened?

Gonna need some of that "alternative facts" Mrs. Connelly

reminder that Trump congratulations Fox News as often as he shits on CNN

He's not opposed to kike media, he's opposed to people disagreeing with him. He had a feud with Fox during the election and as soon as they lined up behind them, he was shilling for them hard and sending his advisors there to promote Ivanka's jewellery line.
he's not helping you, he's helping himself - if a media outlet is useful he supports it, that's all that counts

he's about to roll out a huge anti refugee order, ICE is rounding up the beaners as we speak, he's cut the debt by 12 billion in a month. this keeps up and he's a lock for 2020

based fucking Trump

Mad Man actually did it