Why dont they want Catalonia to have independence?

Why dont they want Catalonia to have independence?

it'd be a massive hit to the economy. not like it matters anyway, if they secede catalonia will join the EU and that independence will literally mean nothing.

Because it is unconstitutional. Also, how will they pay their massive debt? Who will their football teams play with? 90% of their trade is with Spain, do they want tarrifs? Here is my solution, let every MUNICIPALITY vote if they want to stay. Catalans are worse than Quebecois, they rejected a Basque type deal because their faux nationalism is the only thing keeping their political party relevant.

Remove separatists

There has never been a good separatist movement post 19th century

because spain wants to keeping living off hardworking catalonian people. spain keeps stealing money from catalonia (they call it "taxes") and then spend the money they stole to pay for lazy unemployed people all over spain. unfair

Why didn't they destroy the railways?

because catalonia is spain. is easy to understand, even for a retard like you

what? have you ever been to Spain? Catalonians are fucking lazy niggers

they are gathering hundreds of tanks in the guadalajara province, east of madrid

first, pic is a fake. this pic is 3 years ago and is not relationed with catalonia in any way.

second, catalonia has not army for destroy nothing. is a spanish region and their army is the spanish army

In Austria a petition was handed to the government to offer Catalonia to become a federal state of Austria in case of independence kek

catalonia has the largest economy out of all spanish regions, they work a lot and they produce a lot

Spain is stronkk

they can't build up a church for 600 years, they produce nothing and they're all stupid. i'd fight for the united Spain.

and? whats your point?

even so the large economy is Madrid, not catalonia

I'm ready to join the International Brigade and avenge the fall of Barcelona. Bash the fash.

catalonia wouldn't join though? spain would block it

kill yourself commie scum

exactly where is this affair on the habbening spectrum? is it a big habbening?

They actually could do that without Spain being able to block it. There is a precedence. East Germany joined the Federal Republic without having to ask the other EC states like Benelux.

Spain would never allow them to join the EU. And it's likely that other countries with independantist groups would not either.