what are you watching tonight?
What are you watching tonight?
my youth trickle away behind me
who is this cum chum?
Just playing San Andreas
why don't all women get body plastic surgery?
we would be free of fridges!
also reminder that face plastic surgery only works if you are ugly
what a monstrosity lmao
I wonder what her hobbies are
Mirrors don't count
white women getting fucked by big black cocks
Face surgery is fucking disgusting. I'd take a wrinkly face over botox.
Thank you, Marisa Tomei for never doing that. Hottest older actress around
kylie jenner
I don't understand, name one person with facial plastic surgery where it has been an improvement?
inb4 burn victims
Oh hai.
Yeah I get your point. Don't fuck with your face, it's what people talk to
Black dick
acid attack victims
severe frostbite victims
jesus christ this bitch was fugly like 3 years ago.
maybe i should get some plastic surgery for fuck sake
stop acting like this hideous face is worse than
nose jobs. when done well it can really improve someones looks especially on women.
Morgan Fairchild
Only improvement I can think of
That one woman that got mauled by some chimp
Cruise got plastic surgery indeed but that's a dumb comparison to make.
This is Gadot with plastic surgery
She's fucking disgusting now
A little cosmetic work is one thing but she completely morphed into kim 2.0
Drew Barrymore kind of did the same thing. Then kept getting it adjusted. I have a thing for that girl next door realism attractiveness.
and implants
>we would be free of fridges!
Except the fridges would have the opportunity produce more fridge offspring because people don't know they are fridges.
>little cosmetic surgery
>completely different jawline
>different nose
is this the same person? holy fuck I've been taken in by the plastic jew
>She's fucking disgusting now
now when you say now are you talking about after her nose job a million years ago or are you talking about 2017?
if you are talking about in 2017 you are fucking retarded and stop fucking posting
yes its the same fucking person
how can you not fucking tell that the person in the OP is pure fucking plastic surgery?!?!
Not that guy but she is no where near as attractive as she was. She's pretty fucking used up.
Who fucking cares? The miracles of modern medicine has turned her into a fucking sex machine. I'd pay money to lick her butthole raw
Olivia Munn looks way, way better now.
obviously shes had like 15 different procedures but she's still more attractive looking than the old version.
>Not that guy but she is no where near as attractive as she was.
thats not the fucking point
the fucking question was
>better after plastic surgery
now becoming fucking OLD AND USED UP doesn't mean that she would somehow fucking look better with her old jew nose in 2017 you god damn idiots
use your fucking brains
god damn I fucking hate this fucking board
>she looks bad in 2017 so that means her plastic surgery was always poor!!!!
Who was giving that a std back know then
while im not denying shit, she was 14 there.
This this prime kylie i dont know why she went mad
Holy shit HOW do you go from pic to OP??!
The neighbor's daughter through their restroom window
Puberty and kim ks surgeon
Kylie Jenner was "white"?
I hate puberty.
Why does such a cruel thing exist?
I wonder what its like when you look back at old photos of yourself after you've butchered yourself to the point where you're completely unrecognisable to the person that you once were... i bet its a little trippy, then bad feels sink in deep
I bet she knows how to suck a nice BBC
There's a difference between plastic surgery and a young immature face.
Not difficult.
Look at her dad.
her foot game is ridiculous
Did you get the call?
he became kino
not sure if blind of troll
I don't understand why people speed out on fox so bad. It's just lip injections, a nose job and face contoure. People act like she got a face transplant
all the japanese actresses
That isn't surgery, that is /mew/
You get three guesses.
What's going on here
Could someone give me a quick rundown?
How do I get this?
>Kardashian Sisters
>have the ear of E!
>The Glove that saved OJ.
The sad spectacle of my life.
There are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that think that botox looks good