Tfw your country has a serious white trash problem

>tfw your country has a serious white trash problem

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>tfw never got to try ES as a teenager

Tell me about it, almost all alcoholics in Sweden are Finns.

If you tell me why most faggots are Swedes firts

my country is basically one big hub of white trash, the people here are so fucking retarded I hope someone nukes this shithole.

give swedish bf

>tfw Welsh
we're white trash the country

do you accept immigrants?
I would take care for your elders.

northern europe is open for all foreigners

We are faggots that ruled over you and in modern times beat you in ice hockey.

We still love you.

lol fuck off nigger, Denmark is a normie country not white trash.

delet this


Except Finland, Finland is full.

Helsinki is already filled with niggers.

1000x less than Sweden

Yes but just stating the obvious. You are us in 10 years.

nonsense, finland has plenty of room, you could easily fit in a few million africans. don't be racist now, open up that border.

Well at least you have something to be proud of in 10 years.

Yeah, Finland-Swedes.

They give their kids names like Chili. Can you get more trashy than that?

There nothing to be proud about Western Europe becoming shitskins.

Majority of your country is full of effeminate cuckolds, ours isn't. That is the major factor of becoming a multicult shithole like sweden is.

It's funny how we've been making fun of you being pussy bitches a long time, and now rest of the world sees the same thing

öyh öyh

Your kin seems to be proud of it.

Why are the Somali, etc. going to some of the coldest places in Europe? Surely the gibs can't be that good at they'd willingingly do the equivalent of Brits moving to Australia, knowing how poorly suited they are to the climate.
Africans would fucking freeze to death, surely. They're coming from hot and sandy shitholes. Madness.

t. Kingston Jamaica Svensson

It's also funny how Sweden's economy is expanding much faster than Binland's. And this has been happening for years.

Yes, the gibs are THAT good. When you get 1200e/month doing nothing.

Our country's economy is on the rise since 2016.

I think the welfare pays so much better here in the north.

What I don't get is why they'd pick Finland when there are 10 times better countries right next to us

we have far less somalis than other nordicks

>1200e for doing nothing
that's exactly double my brutto salary

T: Jimi "5 promillea" Kaupppinen

This is the truth. Don't let the white trash finnposters here fool you.

Well shit, time to work on my black face routine. Australia is too hot and that money sounds good. Swiggity swooty.

>population growth because of refugees
>constantly expanding infrastructure
>robust building industry

How are the other countries "better" than us? The much higher prices and somalis than us?

90's depression hit us way harder. Also sweden's been living in peace for two centuries, a long time to develop your economy and country

How are the other countries "better" than us? The much higher taxes and somalis than us?

Kill yourself you NEET subhuman

There's 2 p's in Kauppinen, Kingston.

Bönde and gutter trash low class Finland-Swedes are the trashiest people in the world.

Are the Dudesons considered white trash in Funland?

No just a joke

O-okay.. I get it...
You want me to come and help making Finland great again. I'm fine with it.

Mene nyt vittuun sen sun proxyn kanssa, vai onko siellä se turussa opiskeleva svedu paskapostaamassa?

Maybe just the average quality of life and the people in general are way better than here?

lol you are talking like modern Finland isn't any different? You already are a multicult shithole like us and you are also filled with cuckolds and faggots just like us. Your new generations is filled with sjws and feminists. You are becoming us.

But hope you make it out tho Jarmo.

Ainakin Sup Forumsin puolella on puoli tusinaa suomalaisia vihaavia rantahurreja, lähinnä sellaisia snusia purevia kehareita.

Annappas esimerkkejä

>You already are a multicult shithole like us
t. Monthly grenade explosions and no-go zones

Scandinavians, do your languages have a specific word for male nurse?
Mine doesn't and I feel opressed.

no, they are just attention seeking manchildren
true finnish (man) white trash drinks every day and beats his wife to a pulp and wears hoodies that have flag of finland "winter war never förget" or something like that

En oo svedu enkä asu Turussa. Ei ongelman kieltäminen ratkaise sitä. Suomessa on valkoroskaa, enkä mä ymmärrä miten kukaan voisi olla huomaamatta sitä.

Was I asking for an opinion from normalfag garbage? Fuck off, you silly cunt.

how to save finland?

Juuh, esim. Vaasassa ja Raaseporissa.

Suomenruotsalaisella paskaväellä kun ei ole vahvaa identiteettiä niin ne matkii jenkkejä ja erityisesti neekereitä.

Cheaper alcohol and more social isolation.

Make everyone take an IQ test and send the ones scoring under 100 to Russia.

Like I said, 10 years behind us.

Hope you guys learn at least from our mistakes instead of doing the same shit cause currently is lookings shit.

>Suomessa on valkoroska
Aivan niin kuin jokaisessa maassa. Mikä vittu sun pointtis on, åke pärssön?

Miksi sä vedät suomenruotsalaiset tähän? Onhan ne yleisesti ottaen paskasakkia kieltämättä, mutta ei se aiheeseen liity.

Suomessa vaan sattuu olemaan suurempi valkoroskakulttuuri kun missään muussa tietämässäni maassa. Vähän niin kuin kaikissa maissa on hikkyjä, mutta Japanissa silti ylivoimasesti eniten.

Aivan valtava osa meistä on valkoroskaa. Minun tuttavapiiristänikään ei kukaan arvosta opiskelua tai mitään muutakaan vastaavaa.
Alkoholi, paneminen, autot ja ruotsalaisten/venäläisten haukkuminen on aikalailla kaikki, mitä heidän päässään liikkuu.

juuh okei
Kerava, Vantaa, Kouvola ja vaikkapa Lahti on kaikki täynnä ihan supisuomalaista roskaväkeä
I don't know... They look like white trash / rednecks to me (compared to murricans)

>tfw your country has a serious white trash problem
Though the other races trash seems to be worse.

Must tuntuu että sä oot ihmissyöpää ja siks uliset siit tääl :DD

suomen valkoroska kuuluu siihen "hyödylliset idiootit" kategoriaan. he ovat maahanmuuttoa vastaan ja monesti avoimesti rasisteja ja näiden ansiosta Halla-Ahot ja muut viisaat miehet saavat sitten enemmän ääniä.
itse asun Helsingissä ja pukeudun normaalisti ja pyörin paljon vasemmistolaisten kanssa, mutta en kenellekkään koskaan tule myöntämään, että toivoisin Hitlerin uudelleensyntymistä ja neekerien joukkotuhoa

>Like I said, 10 years behind us.
>L-look other countries have refugees too
Telling yourself that might ease up the frustration, but it isn't true. Sweden is used as a warning example here, in the mass media too, how to not handle your immigration.
Don't worry your sacrifice didn't go in vain. Other learned from your mistakes

You clearly didn't since you are still importing niggers and becoming less Finnish by the day.

Good luck tho

ei vittu, luet mua kuin avointa kirjaa

I really think Ireland has a case for having the most white trash in Europe, definitely western Europe anyway.
We have skangers in the cities, the towns, the villages. They drink heavily, smoke weed and take pills, steal cars, commit vandalism, start fights and are just generally make the area shitty
then we also have Irish travellers or knackers who are basically Irish roma gypsies. They live in caravans, commit robbery, scams, pollute the area, always get in fights etc

What is wrong with Tasmanians?

Heikkolahjaisia duunareita on kaikkialla maailmassa.

Dudesons just pretend to be that. The real ones are much worse.

They'd be considered rednecks here but not white trash.

>uli uli juntit
Kuulostat aivan joltain 16v maailmankansalaiselta. Nämä "valkoroskaiset" suomalaiset on n. 5 miljoonan kansalaisen vahvuuksilla onnistuneet rakentamaan toimivan ja hyvän yhteiskunnan asua. Suosittelen sun muuttavan ruotsiin sivistyneiden hengenheimoilastes pariin imemään neekerin kullia, jos täällä asuminen ahdistaa noin paljon

Finns have the highest IQ in Europe. Statistically speaking, there's more of this type of workers in other countries.

>What is wrong with Tasmanians?
I thought the meme was they were all inbred trash.

Okei, miksi meidän keskiluokka on aivan jäätävän junttia?

There are many people with high IQs that are fucking trainwrecks.

Everywhere else is even more infested with niggers, and even niggers don't want to live near niggers

Juu, ehkä Sup Forums on parempi lauta sulle. Ei kaikki suomalaiset ole valkoroskaa, eikä sellasta käsitettä edes ollut kun Suomea rakennettiin. Kaiken huonon kieltäminen Suomesta ei ole mitään hienoa isäm maallisuutta, vaan tyhmyyttä.

White trashness isn't about intelligence.

Taas tää valkoroska rotta tehtailee näitä lankoja et miten se vihaa suomea nii paljon.

Uudellamaalla ei pahemmin ole paitsi Vantaalla mutta eihän ne edes ole keskiluokkaa vaan spurguja.

Of course it is. 100%.
On average intelligent people get educated and don't waste all their money on beer and drugs.

Same here m8

Demi tuntuu olevan sulle parempi vaihtoehto, vaikutat aivan oikeasti alaikäiseltä. Mitään en tossa aikasemmassa viestissä kieltänyt, ja sä puolestaan et mitään kumonnut. Tähän mennessä koko lanka ollut pelkästään turhaa ulinaa. Toistan edelleen: täällä ei sua kukaan pakota asumaan.

You guys need MORE COWBELL.
At least i don't have say how much people can be trash in my country, just watch videos and you find out... yeah next to russian ones.

Yes, but you were talking about whether Finland has more or less of them than other countries. A Finnish white trash would most like be smarter than an American one, but that doesn't make him any less trash.

En yrittänytkään kumota mitään sun öyhötyksiä, ei kiinnosta politiikasta keskusteleminen Sup Forumsin ulkopuolella, Viihdyn kyllä Suomessa ihan hyvin.

Ja taas kiertelet koko argumentin ohi? Haluatko selittää miten valkoroska on onnistunut
>rakentamaan toimivan ja hyvän yhteiskunnan asua.

sekä on monissa muissa elämänlaatuun liittyvissä tilastoissa huipulla? Kuten valkoroskaisuus ja alhainen äo menee käsikädessä.


t. was a helpings nurse for one summer

nigga looking like tywin lannister lmao

>Tfw filmed an ironic ES review and spilled that shit on my lap when 14 and got school bullied for it by 14 year old chads

>Lives on 600e a month
Is Bulgaria really that cheap or do you just live in poverty?

White trash is specifally an American term, describing an American phenomenon. The concept of "whiteness" and its racial hieraechical dynamic is a product of European colonialism of the global South and the New World, as well as the enslavement of non-European peoples. Finland, having never engaged in this type of colonialism, lacked the necessary societal dynamics that the class of people called "white trash" is contingent upon. Non-European immigration into Finland is to much of a recent phenomenon to have shaped a societal racial dynamic to the extent of America. You don't have white trash, you just have trash.

How do these boys make a living? Ireland doesn't give handouts like Nordic countries, yeah?

lmao based finnish traps btfo swedish cucks.

Few shitskins >>> economy

it's not cheap, they don't pay me well, I work in a hospital