So I´ve been rewatching this the couple of last weeks and I have to ask. Is this basically red herring the show?
Every episode shows the obvious cause of the problem in the first 5 to ten minutes only to spin it arround later.
So I´ve been rewatching this the couple of last weeks and I have to ask. Is this basically red herring the show?
Also I think I´ve never watched episode 4 but the whole different time line is getting really annoying
I never watched the ending, can you tell me what is the solar/energy thing they keep in some special chamber ?
watched one season
then terra nova was the same shit
then defiance
then falling skies
I seem to remember liking it, but my mom wanted to name me eureka so I cringe every time I hear that word. I could never get past that.
I´m only up to s04e04 but that story arch hasn´t been touched since stark died I guess somewhere arround the end of season2 to the beginning of season 3. It seems like a lot of unrelated episodes without a major story ark.
The last thing about the artifact was kevin absorbing it and they got it out of him through teleportation which works by reconstructing a person.
I remember the main guy BLEACHES the black woman.
ha ureaka shit mate
white protagonist has the sex with the black female