Finally a cosmic horror film that looks good.

From my analysis it looks like it's going to revolve around some guy(s) opening a portal to "their" world and unleashing the "old ones"

>short trailer

>long trailer

Other urls found in this thread:

>like stranger things

oh boy

Sup Forums will latch onto this until reddit finds it and ruins it

screen caps

Just fuck off seriously

>huge floating monuments

Oh looks very lovecraftian

Sad but true, I'm still watching it though

what's your fucking problem?

this is the Sup Forums and film board, we're talking about a film, (You) fuck off

I've never unironically said this before but I'm ready to call shilling on this one.

Both of these trailers for this microbudget indie horror film have been posted here EVERY DAY since they dropped with the exact same kind of vague enthusiastic FINALLY A HORROR MOVIE FOR US! OP post.

gonna need some proof there bud, this is the first time I've heard of it

this is the first thread ive seen about this

op talks like a film dork so i doubt it

digits to die for

I've only seen this trailer posted once and that was 2 days ago. The fuck are you talking about?

Reminder that the same guys made this gem.

It sucks that it is not screened in my country

This is kino as FUCK.


>that THICC QT



Tribute to Carpenter?

Oh boy, looks like it's going to be a big tenticle gorefest

>shill thread


>stop liking what I don't like

>stop shilling your shit


I'd be lying if I said the trailer didn't look like a pile of meh.
I'm exceedingly interested in Lovecraftian cosmic horror but using that as a thin motif for your last 15 minutes of Event Horizon horror movie won't grab many people.

Do I need to watch Enter The Void first?

>stop talking about films on the film board

Fuck off with your meme triangles.

>The Vee Vee itch
>Stranger Things
>Event Horizen
It's like I'm caught in a meme vortex.


I don't know what the rest of the two are but fuck you Event Horizon is great you piece of shit

care to explain the meme?

>cosmic horror

>le let's add tentacles :^)


Yeah but real talk this movie looks like a vapid gore film with themes tied to cosmic horror, pls stop shilling it.

>non simultaneous threads about an upcoming movie I'm not interested in, this is clearly the work of a shill!


If they wanted us to take it seriously they should used crab legs instead!

>all this unwarranted hate from a low budget film

this board likes to pretend to be partician, but it's actually more reddit than reddit.

As long as we spend some time in this "void" and get some good imagery, it would be good.

The Americlap trailer doesn't give me hope though. A lot of it looks like to be in the hospital. Still, just the fact that there is a room full of flesh is interesting.

At least RLM tries to be funny with their slop

>le spooky flick about hentai tentacles

looks a bit gorey and jumpy and shows too much to be really good cosmic horror, but it still looks good.

I'm glad that good aesthetics have finally seeped into movies again, especially into horror movies.

>Sup Forums will latch onto this until reddit finds it and ruins it

You're really going to get over the fact that some good things are going to catch on even with the reddits of the world, and you can't let that ruin it for you. It doesn't necessarily taint the thing itself.

I mean, do expect Twin Peaks new season to get constantly praised and hyped on places like reddit, but if you allow its popularity to spoil it for you even if it's actually still good, then that's you're own fault.

Oh look, it's that autist that says any enthusiasm for anything here is "shills".

You're gong to have to grow out of that 15 year old mentality eventually, user.

>dude it's good because it's meant to be bad lmao
sick of this hipster shit. I've got no problem with neo80s films like drive and the guest but just out right making shit should not be praised.


>low budget film
>unwarranted hate

looks Last Shift tier. So i have no hopes
so labcraftien


here comes the shill bullshit just like It Follows and Vitch

nobody buys this bullshit anymore go to reddit

this looks really awful stop creating threads for this

>unironically calling it """cosmic horror"""

back2leddit with your reddit terms friendo

You're 100% correct. The faggot replies are just assmad that you called them out on it.

>It Follows
It was actually good especially for the monster just being a metaphor for a STD

>all this sour bitching

Who knew Sup Forums was as whiny as vee

I'll watch it.

I won't expect much, but I'll watch it.

delte this

stop viraling your video-on-demand trash here please, reddit incarnate

>In Tolkein lore, Astron-6 is the day of The Elvish New Year. And a new year is upon us indeed...

>Astron-6 is the brainchild of these five iconoclastic, multi-media artists who share a fascination with the mechanics of fear and laughter. They subvert the expectations of the seasoned viewer with the nightmarish and absurd. Their imagery and recurring themes are often torn from the childhood of the irony-craving, internet savvy Generations X and Y.

Are you getting paid to shill this daily? if you are you shouldn't be, your obvious as fuck

>I wish I were dead
>We have so much in common!

I'm fucking sold.

I didn't say anything about shilling. Bit jumpy there, shill.

It took me a few run-throughs to see it, but it just fucking hit me: That's Dave from John Dies At The End isn't it?

ayy good eye

I'm sick of this 80's shit.

Part of me is sick of it too, but I just watched Highlander for the first time and I'm so glad that (at the moment at least) it's culturally acceptable to wank over that period.

Let's face it man, that shit looked COOL.

I've seen a thread a day for this movie, always with a similar title ( COSMIC HORROR ! LOVECRAFT ! ) written in the same style/sentences...

Hello astron 6

I find all this hatred for any film that has the words "cosmic horror" attached fascinating. Now, I've never been one to read up on Lovecraft, but from what I understand a lot of his shit is unfilmable, dealing in concepts that couldn't possibly be brought to film. Existential dread, fear of the unknown and unknowable, that sort of thing.

What, then, could you bring to the table in a horror film that effectively channels that spirit? How do you show something that you can't show?

I agree. This definitely feels like marketing. It looks kinda interesting so i will check it out but i think it kinda pathetic posting it here everyday with the "DUDE REAL MEME HORROR GET HYPE LMAO"

user you have shit taste. This is gonna be another generic horror with wasted potential.

>I'm ready to call shilling on this one.
Badabook, It follow and the witch had the exact same shilling, it's reailly weird, why do these small indie horror movies market on this board?
I think shilling for big hollywood movies is a meme but this shit right here is definitely fishy

I was thinking the same thing.

what if we just don't talk and don't make a thousand threads about it

>What, then, could you bring to the table in a horror film that effectively channels that spirit? How do you show something that you can't show?

95% of the movie is filled with a sense of dread, the last 5% of the movie something bizarre and shocking that can't be explained happens. Kinda like what the Japanese movie Occult did. It's by the same director of Noroi.

Been dying for a good lovecraftian tale, Hopefully this delivers

I'm with this guy

why would anyone market on shill here on Sup Forums? you really it's that big of a crowd?

I've never understood hipster / "underground" mentality like this and I never think I will; what I like is not dependent on what someone else likes or doesn't like. Conformism by nonconformism is quite possibly the greatest irony within society.

Ditto, looks like shoddy low budget crap

God Damn you people all need to see this once.

>Posts the thread every day at around the same time
>random all caps FUCK each time
>"Obviously not a shill goyim :^)"

yup. anyone replying to this negatively are definitely the people doing the shilling.

huge movies don't need to shill like this.

it's smaller indie movies that try to create "word of mouth" and use viral marketing AKA "shilling" as a way to reach people they think would be interested in a film like this. it's funny that they think people won't recognize obvious shilling when they see it though.

I really enjoy it. Saw it at After Dark.. Saw it twice more and bought the DVD.
I'm not going to say Astron-6 can do no wrong because there are points where The Void falls a little flat and the strobing pisses me off as I get migraines. Ellen Wong is cute in it and I quite enjoyed the practical effects. The ending will probably piss people off. It irritated me till about the next day. But I kind of figgered out it couldn't have been different. Anyway Go see it (or not) But watch Manborg. 'cause I would like to see a discussion. Heck I woudl like ot see the same for I am a Knife withLegs.

Also, to see what sort of person I am to like these films I'm currently (right now) watching the The Lost World t.v. series.

this looks like garbage and shilling

just watch In the Mouth of Madness

>50 posters
>76 posts


i always trust movie posters that put the name of the reviewer in such a small font that you can't even read it.

Which After Dark?

The one that does the fesitival and distributes movies?

Toronto After Dark.
They don't distribute movies...
l though they had a big sponsorship from Anchor Bay last year.

hp lovecraft fans are kinda weird and would be really keen for a movie like this. Just go over to /lit/ and you'll see how eager and obsessive they are.
I think the movie looks decent, I hope it'll be good. It looks like it'll have some good practical effects and body horror but I'm sure the story will be a bit lacking.

Alright I was thinking After Dark Horrorfest or the 8 films to die for thing.

Both started around the same time

Yup, looks like an interesting movie but it has been posted daily with the same op for days, getting kinda sick of it.

Don't know those actually.
I've been pretty regular in the last few years to the all Canadian - Blood on the Snow. it's only a weekend but pretty good.
I always try and catch the Shorts - (weirdly where my Astron-6 exposure started out ) At After Dark this year there were quite a few good ones but War on Everyone, Under the Shadow, The Void and The Lure (which was strange) stood out to me. I've seen the OP post this 3 times and if not shilling just maybe over-eager. If it gets posted a 4th time before the thing comes out then I'll consider it tiresome.

Can someone make a gif of the guy nodding at 0:43 seconds?

Yes, and then afterward you will need to watch Exit the Void.


>hp lovecraft fans are kinda weird and would be really keen for a movie like this

people who think lovecraft = cults + tentacles are idiots

there is nothing lovecraftian whatsoever in the trailers or synopsis of this film. it's just a marketing buzzword being misused by the same idiots who said of themselves "They subvert the expectations of the seasoned viewer with the nightmarish and absurd. Their imagery and recurring themes are often torn from the childhood of the irony-craving, internet savvy Generations X and Y."