Jews hate thread.
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Jews love thread.
Is that guy a EU politician?
shes so pretty and i like jewish people
>Shes so pretty
>literally the female version of le sneaky merchant
im not surpised with that EU flag in the background considering Jews control the EU
Truly the synagogue of Satan.
Looks comfy as fuck tbqh
go potato island
Dark Souls = Red Pilled
Japan = my rebbi aka master.
he is also a socialist.would jew look at that.
He's a disgusting khazar piece of shit.
Why do jews hate thread?
Makes no sense, they wear clothing made of threads.
Jews are the children of satan
Isn't that the guy who collects MEPs?
Jews are wonderful
Ash Ketchazi
I stand by Israel
yeah, sure.....
Jews are the problem
>EU is going to shit
>the EU President is a leftist kike
Oy vey, pure coincidence!
I'm an ethnic Jew, but I'm working on a documentary right now that will expose how Jews indoctrinate kids with Holocaust, how they teach to support multi-racial society, because once they get rid of them """they are coming for us""", how they promote nepotism and discrimination, how they teach to only be loyal to Jews and Israel. I will go Bobby Fischer on all of this rats. No way I'm reproducing, I'm marrying this Latvian girl I date and we adopting White kids with physically and mentally healthy background.
I don't hate Jews as long as they stay in Israel.
>jews .2% of the population
>jews own almost all mainstream media in all western countries and have a massive over representation in positions of power in those countries
Hmmm really makes you think
That's how we know they're a problem, one percent of the population, yet almost 50% of the Media.
Get ready to have an "accident".
Seriously, don't tell anybody what you are doing besides on Sup Forums.
>literal cuck
The anti semitism in this thread is unbearable goyim
Jews are small in population, but have huge influence.
>virtually all media companies in the US: Jews
>the big banks such as Goldman Sachs: Jews
>the Federal Reserve (the fucking bank of the United States Government): last 4 chairmen have all been Jews that used to work at Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs is funding Hillary, and the top Jews all hate Trump.
Really makes you stop and ponder.....
Euro rape babies.
Federal Reserve Chairmen (the people who get to decide the value of a dollar, and largely how the US government spends its money)
Of course, Goldman Sachs was one of the first companies to get a bail-out in 2008.
Good kike. You still have to leave, but we will let you live and keep your shekels. I'll even buy you a free first class plane ticket.
thank god for that
You could radomly-choose an anti-white SJW article from a huge database, and there's a huge chance that the author is a Jew. I've seen it on Sup Forums countless times, and in my own web browsings.
he's a jew-appeaser but not a jew.
Hello Goym
unlike mudslimes,the issue with jews is not really the religion itself.They work like an institution
>Made a black man a thief
RACIST. Also Paul Rudd is a jew and not white lol.
are you blind?
>Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Oh fuck, how could I forget her?
The literal leader of the Democrat Party is a feminist, anti-white, kike cunt.
This one..oh boy
Gets me every time.
I love these new ones.
Supposedly A.Wyatt Mann himself bless 8ch with these.
Jew here. Just wanted to say that all the anti-Jew stuff I see posted around here is actually pretty funny to me.
>be a feminist kike cunt who hates whites
>be Hillary's campaing manager in 2008
>make a deal to let Obama win, if Hillary gets to be in his cabinet, and gets to run after he's done
>2015 rolls-around
>immediately ensure most delegates go to Hillary
>limit the number of debates
>quarantine all negative information about Hillary, and anything good about her opponents
>literally give reporters scripted questions to ask Hillary, outlaw any other questions
>literally mock Bernouts for being powerless, along with her freind Barbara Boxer - another leftist Jew cunt
>liberal cucks still vote for Shillary
Jew with the last name weasel..How fitting.
I'm not a kike. I'm a cultural European and Westerner. I hate fucking Jews. I don't look Jewish and don't have a Jewish name or surname. It's just a cursed blood that runs through my veins. It ends with me. Jewish hegemony and parasitic ways don't. Be smart!
Jew by a chance? Why would I curse kids with Jew blood?
Very stupid of you.
I made several videos where I show my records of perfect health and living habits that proves impossibility of accident - I avoid planes and unknown cars. I act as "good Jew" in order to expose them. I think it will take me two or three years more to make a first exposure. I have a way to publish it anonymously without losing trust "within the tribe".
I'm sorry, you seem innocent, but god will know his own.
actually read it the other day in an old book at the library.they ran here from Spain,and then we kicked them out.
Thankfully we have a pretty much non existent jew community.
dont hate them, recycle them
Bet she could suck a mean cock
Many of these pics mention anti-Christianity as something Jews are behind that I should be upset about.
I regards both Judaism and Christianity as false religions. Islam and Mormonism as well. A Christian telling me I only believe that because of Jews is like a Mormon telling you that you only think Mormonism is false because of Jews.
The fact that I oppose Christianity does not somehow automatically mean I am pro-Judaism. Abrahamic religions in general constantly jockey for some advantage over each other. Painting all opposition as useful idiots being manipulated by one of the other religions is part of that.
I wish and work for the death of all Abrahamic religions. Islam first as it is the most clear and present threat. Then Christianity, though unlike Islam it can be fought with polite reasoning, at least in the case of white Christians. Then Judaism, as it is the smallest in terms of membership, and if allowed to survive it will just spawn more knockoff religions.
Abrahamic religion is for retards, hence why the only attempted rebuttal you'll ever get from them is pictures taken from a GIS for "neckbeard fedora" with captions added. They think that is a clever argument.
They always, 100% of the time assume you're an atheist if you dispute their religion too, out of insecurity. Because they secretly fear atheism is true, so that's what they have gone to the greatest lengths preparing themselves to argue against, though again, their idea of argument is hat pictures.
Jesus once said that a wise man builds his house upon a rock, not sand. Well, Christianity is built on sand. It is just a very old, successful cult, like Mormonism or Islam.
You cannot fight either while you're in the same sort of thing. Whites in general will never make headway against Jews or Muslims while constrained by a religion which is built atop Judaism and inherently treats it as true.
Bring on the hat pictures I guess, you trogs. Probably you didn't even read this far.
what list is this?
Here's my other lil debbie
can anyone tl;dr this?
Seem familiar?
what a fucking idiot
>as it is the smallest in terms of membership
what does it fucking matter is it's the smallest in terms of membership? the power and reach jews have over the rest of the world is mind boggling.
Muslims are a tool being used by jews btw
That's a good argument. I forgot they are the most politically and financially powerful. But consider this:
It will be by far more feasible to motivate popular support for state hostility to Muslims than Christians or Jews. But once the precedent is set and the necessary legal mechanisms are in place to mass deport or mass imprison Muslims, they can then be used on other groups.
>Muslims are a tool being used by jews btw
Certainly, but so are Christians. Christianity is a slave religion for keeping goyim docile and productive under Jewish management.'s actually kind of creepy
Jews, you can suck my fucking dick, liberals pieces of shit.
How'd that work out for him?
Do us all a favor and end your life.
>мылo и вepeвкa is all you need
Why do Ashkenazis look like lizards so much? They're so crude and disgusting too. Is it because they have no soul?
I love the Jews man. Karl Marx and Jew tits. Big fans of both.
There is definitely something weird about them pieces of shit. I think they know more than they let on to also. I think our world is a game to their "god/gods" and it's viewed as a game, so they're trying their hardest to win. I think abrahamic religions are just an extension of the sumerians and that being named marduk.
And there it is.
well he survived it, which is more than I can say for a good many jews
Be blessed Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.
It's a fucking Jew. How blind can you be?
See how he recoils.
jews got caught setting up cameras before the 1st plane hit the WTC and filming it waiting for the planes to hit, then they got caught dancing and celebrating after the 1st plane hit the WTC ,turns out they were mossad agents who later went on israeli tv to say they were sent to jew york to "document the event"
the "conservatives" behind trump
>not exposing the truth
post more merchants!