Seriously though, how did this joke make it on the air?

Seriously though, how did this joke make it on the air?

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, yeah. Did you miss the shitstorm?

holy shit

I don't even get it. It's not like Dems ever bothered to bring up anything related to that. It certainly wasn't ever broached during the debates. Trump being on SNL did more for his polls than anything like that.

>How did this joke make it on the air?

Are you retarded?

Democrats =/= Progressives

Modern "democrats" don't get this

>white man tells the truth
>internet: NO

I actually like the idea, makes it easier to see how crazy people are. The more options they have, the more they'd hang themselves with it.

I missed the "how". I'm glad you didn't overreact.

>someone on the SNL team is woke

It was in the small period of lucidity after the election where everyone woke up from their slumber and recognized how long they've been on the wrong track. It didn't last long and we're back to Drumpf jokes again.

There is no such thing as an overreaction when concerning idiots like you

lorne is a republican

SNL use to be able to bash democrats and special snowflake "progressives" until hussein came along and it was racist to do so

Identity politics absolutely is what killed Hillary's chances

Those arguments are coming from super hillary supporters (as opposed to people who just didn't want trump) who can't except that Hillary was a shitty candidate and alt righters who think tumblr is an accurate representation of reality.

Trump used identity politics though...

A massive chunk of the "young voters" base (and exceptionally stupid adults trying to be "hip") don't understand or care about politics or economics, they put all their focus on social issues that aren't actually the government's job, let alone the President. Hillary made half-assed attempts to appeal to these ridiculous people, but she couldn't keep up with their constantly-changing language or their nonsensical goals, so it blew up in her face.


We don't want to trigger the alt-right by reminding them of reality.

If "us (Americans) vs them (illegals, Chinese elite, etc.)" is identity politics, then yes

Yes he did.
Hillary attempted to use it to convince middle class whites to vote for her purely out of guilt that if they didnt they were racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamaphobic, transphobic, ageist, and overall awful people.
All trump did is say vote for me if you want to make america great, and fuck the mexicans.
He employed it in a smaller way that was potent enough to actually work, whereas Hillary fucking reeked of it and it turned off just enough people in just the right states to cost her.
She had passed the point of no return when she made the basket of deplorables comment

>let alone the President.

Is that why he's cancelled the laws that Obama (A proper president btw) put into place for transgender people to have access to whatever bathroom they identify with, then?

Hmm. Makes you ponder.

Hillary and the people she chooses to run her campaigns are so fucking terrible it's almost scary.
She had the presidency in the bag twice and lost it due to a complete and total inability to read what the general populace of Dems actually want.

If she hadn't fucked up about dozen different things she would have won.

>Constant lying about things that don't even need covered up
>All the DNC shit
>Hiring Wasserman-Schultz the day she resigns
>Hiring Brazille after it was found she leaked questions
>Ignoring segments of the country she should have known she was losing
>Not understanding how US politics regarding unions has changed
>Using horrible people like Gloria Steinam for campaign rallies
>Constant "I'm a woman!" bullshit
>Screeching into the mic so it's hard to listen to. How the fucking has no one coached her on this
>Constant bashing of Trump supporters instead of Trump himself
>Constantly distorting things Trump says/tweets instead of going after him on his lack of policy knowledge. The one debate where she did this a bit was the best one for her.

Trump getting on stage with an LGBT flag was pure genius though, if Hillary could have just done simple shit like that it would have been over from the start.

Anyway, political rant for the day over.

hmm, makes you wonder why such a stupid & ignorant person like you comments on politics

Because biology is a social construct

In the sense that the right was really bothered by it and Dems didn't seem to care either way, much like gay marriage?
That's the only way that really makes sense.

Liberals think they're hilarious and think they can dish out jokes all day but can't fucking take a joke.

You mean the EC


wtf I love SNL now

those weren't laws, they were government guidelines for the states, he could just undo them with an EO. All he did was giving power back to the states that should have never been taken away in the first place, what's so bad about that?

Pathetic Drumpfkin.

>Dems didn't seem to care either way
>literally triggers his supporters by suggesting pushing identity politics too hard was a mistake.
Identity politics is to Democrats as Christianity is to Republicans.
And remember Bill Clinton is an out of touch old white man for predicting exactly how the democrats lost.

lol yes Republicucks understand that Presidents shouldn't interfere with social issues; that's why there's all this talk about the socially and economically retarded prospect of defunding planned parenthood at behest of the virtue-signaling triggered Christian right

It's a funny joke. You have to be deluded if you think there's some type of left wing censorship conspiracy about what is and isn't allowed, beyond what is seen as mean jokes made in poor taste.

>Enjoy selling your hate sandwiches
this has to be Sup Forums false flagging. It has to be.

kek do people on the coasts actually think like this? I always try to avoid political discussion with a group a friends and end conversations once they come up due to how angry it makes people, especially college students, but they're OK with not always having politics influence their lives. This is stupid

The "bathroom bill" is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. This was literally just a way for a bunch of young progressives to say "WE THINK TRANS PEOPLE ARE OKAY!!!" The actual bathroom issue is more complicated, and kind of stupid. Mandatory unisex bathrooms are a fine solution, but then they all latch on to a few loudmouths talking about the importance of the "symbolism" of using a men's bathroom when you think you're a man, as if they can't see the obvious downsides to letting anyone use any bathroom they like.

So yeah, it's not exactly the same kind of "activism" as black people trying to get the right to vote, it's all pretty inconsequential, and yet they will accept absolutely no compromise. I have no problem with trans people, but I just can't accept that that "symbolism" bullshit is worth having a bunch of full-grown men perving around in women's restrooms. I'm generally pretty liberal but I'm with Trump on this one.

...nobody in the alt-right is against racial identity politics lol. You might be thinking about milo and stuff like it.

Obongo tried to take unconstitutional authority onto himself, got struct down by the courts, and Trump is choosing not to try to fight out an obongo policy

Noone cared about this until it came time for the libs to complain about Trump

There is a huge population of Dems that don't really care at all about that shit.

It's just the loud obnoxious ones that show up at rallies and protests.
It's the same shit with any community, 80% of people are chill/don't care.
20% are backwards idiots and don't know they hurt their own cause.

It's the equivalent of the republicans that hold up signs saying "Keep your government hands of my Medicare!"

>as black people trying to get the right to vote

Should whites become powerless just because blacks outnumber them in certain areas? Should blacks have authority over whites?

This tranny shit is no more legitimate than the coon rights movement, which was pushed by liberal faggots living 1000 miles away from blacks

>Sanders loses primaries due to rigging
>Still manages to pull the party hard left leaving moderate voters stranded and actually feeling closer to the right
>Lose the election because of this coupled with choosing the least likeable candidate in history and believing they could make Trump more hated in a year than Clinton over her career.
>Democrats trying desperately to rebound from a year in which they lost control of all branches of the Federal government in a single election.
>Try to prove being a Democrat and a liberal can still be a moderate alignment through allied media.
>Fails because social media has already been overly saturated with extreme left wingers who will not tolerate dissention much less attempts at self reflection due to cognitive dissonance in their newly polarized party.

Inb4 backto/pol/


double kek

i don't think gender politics played much effect in the election. it wasn't part of hillary's message because she didn't really have a message beyond "it's time for a woman president and it has to be me."

funny joke tho.

doesnt look like it

Recital identity politics are a rhetorical weapon and whites have no reason to unilaterally disarm themselves of it

This cunt gets on the Supreme Court and the first words out of her mouth are "A wise Latina is just what this place needs"

>defending a vapid attention whore



>I'm generally pretty liberal but I'm with Trump on this one.

But Trump is only doing it to pander his religious right supporters. During the campaign trail he literally said in an interview he agreed with Obama and didn't care what bathroom people used.

"I don't care what bathroom people use" is different from "federal law enforcement should punish business owners for restricting their bathrooms"

Unfortunately the Hilary campaign, the DNC and the media was part of that 20%, That 80% of Democrats shrank and the blue wall turned red.

I can't even piss when sitting down
why would someone with a dick want to do this anyway
do they just stand up in the stalls?
what the fuck is the point then

Your quads betray you, le Penn will be the first woman president of France and it has nothing to do with their male populus being cucks.

>they don't understand that it is the alt-right line of thinking that is being mocked, not trans people
We all know someone like this.

But his religious right supporters are correct about this particular law, too. Even though I disagree with them on many other laws and issues. Unisex bathrooms are the sane solution for everyone, even if it's vaguely insulting to a few of the "snowflake" types, they really don't speak for all trans people.

Which circles back to my other post Internet feminists spent 6 years convincing themselves white people are now irrelevant and their vote doesn't need courted, convincing the media and DNC to follow their lead, then got bitch slapped for it.

He let the issue to the states retard, this is how a government that respects the will of it's citizens works.

Obama just put trannies in bathrooms without asking anyone about it, and told people that he would take away their founding if they disagreed. This is how dictators work.

>abloobloo why won't right-wingers adhere to rules and honor and whatever other arbitrary system I decide they must obey wah wah waaah ITS NOT FAIR

Alt right memelords and shitposters are doing exactly what the left has done for decades.

>comedy show that appeals to the lowest common denominator of leftists somehow think that being on several layers of criticism will work out

>There is no such thing as an overreaction when concerning idiots like you

minorities can't be racist
equality through affirmative action
abortion is about control of your own body
etc etc

What is the correct form of logical fallacy at play here?

Please help me out I can't quite pin it down but I see it all the time.

Haha they can't even take one joke, they're fucking psychos.

>Even though I disagree with them on many other laws and issues.

The religious right are the only people who are against white genocide & keeping the country together

Funny because true

>muh alt-right boogeyman
I've never met anyone who has identified himself as alt-right. Is this a meme ?

If I was a trump supporter, I'd be quite insulted if people thought I voted for such petty reasons.

>>Constant bashing of Trump supporters instead of Trump himself
>>Constantly distorting things Trump says/tweets instead of going after him on his lack of policy knowledge. The one debate where she did this a bit was the best one for her.
I think this is where dems fucked up on the whole.
They were too busy bashing their so called "enemies" instead of trying to recruit the moderates.
Dumb fucking people. Sad!

Then why did over 5 thousand people agree with her that "reeeee this joke is racist white male transphobia and is offensive! only snl can make fun of people I don't like reeeee!!!!"

Milo managed to articulate counter arguments on more social issues on the fly than you have in the entire time you've known about Sup Forums.
He's forced improvement on arguments he apposed and shown the flaws to previous assumptions.

Hate him if you want, but you can't deny he has been a beneficial influence on first world societies with his commentary.

yeah no shit fucking pisses me off

the left gets to do this garbage for decades but the minute the right gets power it's instantly called out and we get this bullshit "oh well yeah its bad when the left does it too"

they've been doing it for like 50 years and you sat there at peace with it so fuck you its our turn

There is no consent of the governed. Every demographic, divided by race or age or geographic location or religion fucking despises everybody else. This started during the Clinton administration, reached fever pitch under W Bush and has raged non-stop ever since.

What the fuck can actually be done about it?

Nightmare mode: not involving millions of bloody deaths

What started this bathroom issue anyway? Was it an obvious dude in a dress that got caught in the women's bathroom? Like a 6'1 tranny with a 5 o'clock shadow. Transwomen have been using women's restroom for decades now. It had to be some super hon that made it an problem.

The sad part is that what trump is doing isn't even effective. He totally could use the system to get congress to pass things he wanted into LAW. EO's are a completely stupid way to do it because the next democratic president can just undo it. Why hasn't trump gotten congress to pass a bill yet? Why hasn't his supporters pushed congress to pass a bill? All this power and he's squandering it on this stupid ineffective bullshit.

Dumbfuckistan has to be expanded to Michigan and Wisconsin

The Republican party laughs at real Christians behind closed doors. They use your convictions to manipulate you into voting for them, pay just enough lip-service to make you feel like you're part of the team, and then they just keep selling our country out piece-by-piece when they think nobody's looking. The only difference with Trump is he's the guy who says "guys, I don't even think we have to hide it!"

Any fears people might've had about Hillary selling political power to corporate America have manifested ten times worse with Trump, and he literally makes no attempt to hide it. I never liked Hillary either, but you can't honestly look at what's happening right now with Trump's cabinet picks and keep telling yourself "this is fine, this is gonna turn out OK"

Thats the neo-cons
Trump ain't a neo-con

>What started this bathroom issue anyway?
LGBT groups since the gay rights battle is over. They need to stay relevant or there's less money to be made.

And Pennsylvania

The point of that picture is its almost twenty years old

Butthurt republicucks will fuck with him out of sheer spite.

Never forget Never Trump.

I've never heard of a single actual case of this happening, I'm 99% certain is was purely politically motivated to try and drum up votes.

Trans have been using whatever bathroom they want forever.

MI, WI, and PA are "dumbfuckistan" now
MN, NH, and ME will be part of it next time
Maybe Oregan too

congress has always been ineffective, it wasn't different in the Obama years, even when Obama had both the senate and the house (2008 - 2010). Actually Obama only lost the senate in 2014.

I'm still sort of pissed they didn't just ram down single payer healthcare during that time.
I guess they were scared of losing reelection.

Both are the scum of the earth. Deal with it.

Why is america such a fucking shithole?


IIRC there was one democratic senator that would not vote for single payer. ACA passed with the minimum number of votes already, and the democrats were going to lose votes in 2010.

>hate sandwich

>Hi, can I get the 14inch long with your special N88 white sauce please.

>Thread continrs getting replies
>Page number keeps going up

tumblr is essentially what liberals stand for. they are just more openly embarrassing about it than normies.

OP samefagging confirmed




