The Hobbit Trilogy

Do you like these movies?

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First has a good first half otherwise rest is shit.

I like the talking scenes from Desolation and the Elves because they were cool otherwise the cgi action scenes weaken it. Smaug was alright.

3rd film is a fucking 1/10. Horrible disgraceful filmmaking

Not enough bloom
inb4 legolas jokes

I genuinely enjoyed the slow beginning of the first film, but I remember being disappointed with how towards the end Bilbo starts to man the fuck up only after he gets the ring. None of the character growth was actually him.

Second one was really disappointing, it was a lot clearer how much pointless filler they had added.

Didn't even bother with the third one.

Basically this.

I liked the end of the 1st film though. I watched the final film a year or two after while sick.


Apart from a few good things its shit. I havent even bothered watching the third one apart of the two webms with the stairs and battle floating around.

>o shit a dwarf army standing shield to shield against a rushing orc swarm this might actually be worth a wat-
>FUCK YOU heres some faggy elves who instead of pelting the orcs from behind this protective wall of iron jump right in front of the attacking orcs

they could have made two good movies, instead they made three shitty ones.

I downloaded part three, and stopped watching during the opening scene when Bard used his kid as a bow. One day I'll probably bother to watch the whole thing, but I can't say for sure.

Pure kino