I outright refuse the premise that this movie isn't awful. so what happened at rotten tomatoes?
I outright refuse the premise that this movie isn't awful. so what happened at rotten tomatoes?
Well racism is horrible. Horrifying in fact, when aimed at you. Maybe this movie gave whiteys an insight on what it truly feels like to a visceral degree.
I refuse to believe theres another picture of that movie instead of the crying coon.
it has an 8.3 rating on rotten tomatoes
Why do subjective rankings trigger Sup Forums manchildren so much?
It's 100 percent fresh dumb fuck
The movie is about racism but not in the cliché way that you think it is.
>I think modern art's almost total preoccupation with subjectivism has led to anarchy and sterility in the arts. The notion that reality exists only in the artist's mind, and that the thing which simpler souls had for so long believed to be reality is only an illusion, was initially an invigorating force, but it eventually led to a lot of highly original, very personal and extremely uninteresting work.
But the average rating they gave the film was 8.3/10.
>anti-white, anti-Western propaganda film
>"something that's not politically correct"