>Zero consistency
>Afraid to take an opinion
>Changes opinion depending on who he talks to
>Pretends to be an expert on every subject
>Sells fraudulent snake oil
Seriously, fuck this manlet.
>Zero consistency
>Afraid to take an opinion
>Changes opinion depending on who he talks to
>Pretends to be an expert on every subject
>Sells fraudulent snake oil
Seriously, fuck this manlet.
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This post really made me think.
I think that makes him a fairly decent interviewer, he has some strong opinions but would much rather have his guest talk for the most part.
Unlike Joe's podcast ayyyy
>promotes steroids
>goes on about healthy lifestyle
>had a shitload of surgeries to support his "healthy" steroid abuse
Bad example for our youth
Yeah, Joe's opinion doesn't carry much weight but his podcast is a better source for people to fully articulate their opinions than any fake news pundit talking over a cherrypicked guest.
but none of those are true, reddit
>Destroyed Mencia for stealing jokes
>Defends Schumer when she does it
He loves jews
>open mind about anything
>lets people talk through their opinion for minutes at a time instead of reducing their thought process to a single sentence
>has varied and insightful guests on
>uses his humor, curiosity, and self-effacing demeanor to inform, entertain, and educate listeners over 3+ hours straight
I love what Joe does. If you don't, feel free to turn it off. Many of his guests don't speak anywhere else and I like hearing them. Go suck off radiolab and NPR because those are hip and trendy.
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