It's a scary time to live in

>Referring to the rise of global terrorism, Mr Scorsese said that the aftermath of the 2003 Iraq invasion "had created thousands and thousands of Travis Bickles."

>"They say they have nothing to lose," he added.

>Bickles is the depressed loner at the centre of his classic 1976 thriller Taxi Driver who is drawn to violence in his disgust against the decadence and sleaze he perceives around him.

>Mr Scorcese was in Dublin to collect a gold medal from Trinity College's Philosophical Society.

I can't help but feel this is a reference to us..."young men with nothing to lose"

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No mate, I think he's talking about the young men in Iraq. If you're American and you think you have "nothing to lose," you don't actually understand what that phrase means


>le you have to be a starving african to complain about being hungry epin maymay

get fucked mate

>"had created thousands and thousands of Travis Bickles."

So, more heroic individuals who are ready to take a stand against immoral society? I'm okay with this.

So how do we turn this into a critique toward Trump and Trump supporters so that I can start shitposting about Scorsese and his flicks?

that's the point, you've never been hungry in your life

I'm hungry right now though

I'm not talking about "hungry," I'm talking about "nothing to lose." I'm not saying Americans don't have problems, but you have a hell of a lot to lose. In this particular comparison, we could start with your fertile farmlands and not-especially-war-torn cities. Then we could move on to the countless private charities and government entitlements that prevent you from dying of hunger, even if you still get "hungry" sometimes. For fuck's sake you guys really need a dose of perspective

The shameless veneer of glamour and superficiality masks the rot in our society caused by rampant consumerism, selfishness, materialism and nihilism. Tell me, are you willing to fight for your iPhone? Are you willing to die for the latest car? Are you prepared to sacrifice everything for the stream of garbage pouring out of Hollywood and television networks? Our society has lost its soul - and to many, that is everything we had to lose.