Would you like a piece of chocolate cake, user?

Would you like a piece of chocolate cake, user?

Peter was fucking gay for not penetrating this qt slav

with milk?

I just want your cake, qt slav

Yes, with a glass of milk.


What did Raimi mean by this? Was Spiderman a big fan of milk?

Waiting for 'man of spiders'

>Did you make it or is it store bought? If the former no thanks, your family is fucking disgusting and I would guarantee you people have some sort of bugs or diseases over there. I for sure wouldn't trust the cleanliness of your plates and silverware and you're definitely too poor to afford to waste paper ones so no I'm actually good on all accounts. Oh and if you ever come in my apartment again without knocking I'll cave your head in with the jagged brick I keep beside my bed solely for intruders. Close the damn door on the way out and I recommend taking a shower. Could use a shave as well.

What was this girl's deal anyway? Did she have a crush on Peter or is she just really eccentric?

>not banging this keen slavic landlord's daughter to ameliorate the RENT

wow this peter parker was a faggot