Beaner here.
I'm sitting on my roof listening to some patriotic country music, watching the fireworks and drinking beer.
I'm in fucking tears m8s, I love this fucking country so God damn much.
I know you faggots will always think me subhuman but I don't give a fuck.
We're not all shit but I don't blame you for thinking we are, I'm in the minority amongst my kin.
Beaner here
you sound based tho
m8 its all good as long as you love this country you're a bro.
Are you legal?
You're one of the good ones paco
You all have dead animal eyes
You breed like locusts
Thank you for appreciating America mexibro.
spics have been setting off fireworks for two solid weeks here, I don't know that you love america more than blowing shit up
but you can come back through that big beautiful door. (and you won't have to compete against all of the useless loser beaners that come streaming across the borders now, so it is actually a win/win).
I am and NOT an anchor baby.
Why is this country so fucking great?
I'm so fucking lucky to have been born and raised here.
I bet his ancestors were illegal
Or maybe he's a child of one of those 3million Reagan gave citizenship to
why can't be both?
This, Reagan hooked my mom up.
arfcom tier shitguns from Fast and Furious
did you get those from eric holder or the guy that sold all the goods to Adam Lanza's mom.
Do you like 3rd gen smith autos?
Kill yourself.
This nation was founded by whites for whites
Now that America has become rich and easy the brown hordes swarm in
Reagan gave some nigger sow's job to your mom.
You're illegal and should be shot
You have no idea man
I was just appreciating the fireworks and "God Bless the USA" came on my playlist and tears started rolling down my eyes.
I'd die for this country, I didn't while I was a muhreen but if it called on me again I'd gladly risk it all.
>Potatonigger with only 3 generations here detected
>Mexican Intellectual..
I see what you did ther m8
If you are real though, I'm proud to be a fellow American ... As long as you vote for Trump and make sure the rest of your family votes for him.
If you're legal, then good for you.
If you're not, then come back through the door.
If you're patriotic and love America, what is there to hate about you?
Lmao projecting much
My family has been here since before it even started
I got them legally, they're all under my name.
I get that I'll never be fully accepted. I don't blame you man. Others have tarnished the shit out of my race. I hate them too.
Go back and open up a mango stand. I hear that is quite lucrative. You should had studied harder and published more papers m8.
>If you're not, then come back through the door.
So he hypothetically broke a law but you're ok with him coming back in this scenario?
Fireworks are loud as fuck! Giving me PTSD
Me and you here brother.
Just like Senator Warren.
I use that name all the time.
I'm definitely MAGA, this country is sick and needs a cure, Trump is that cure.
Can't convince my family though, they're liberal to death.
Whites have monkey animal eyes
It's ok MexiBro, you aren't the only patriotic Mexican here.
You have a friend.
Truth is whites are monkeys
Love the country
Disavow Mexico and Mexicans and South Americans in general
Realize that you all move to white countries for a reason
Then you're truly accepted. And we'll love you right back and fight and die for you.
You're okay, ese.
Surprisingly literally every Mexican friend of mine is legal, patriotic, and a Trump supporter.
No, not others. Your OWN fucking Mother.
She is an illegal, she was here illegally.
So are you, you shouldn't be here.
Your own mother was a criminal, you can't love this country.
I'd kill myself if I lived in CA, I love my funs too much.
Pay the cartel to kill them.
If we can see their heads propped up on a highway overpass, you'll go to the front of the line for your new amerabro stamp!
Hey man I just came from downtown Houston and I probably heard more people speaking Spanish than English. We appreciate you guys - really - but even you have to understand why we want a more controlled system of immigration . Y'all are great. Really... But Mexicans and immigrants in general don't understand or appreciate American values but I'll say as someone who probably lives around more immigrants the second genners are all good and may as well be as American as I am.
Johnny? You cartel fuck.
Isn't the lead singer of Slayer Hispanic? he is so based.
Why so upset about this?
I'm not Native American
Kill yourself you filthy pocho. No matter how much you claim to love Trump the gringo will never acceot you. And neither will true Mexicans. You are without a people. Stateless. Once Trump wins I hope he deports everyone of hispanic ancestry to whatever shithole they're intended to be from.
I was this way from the day I could reason. I've never been a "la raza" beaner, I've always loved this country.
I know I'm of Mexican decent but in mind and spirit I'm American.
thank the chinese for fireworks
I fully accept you as another American because you stand for the country and are legal. Judging by your firearms and patriotism, you also stand for the Constitution. So again, I fully accept you. We need more people like you.
Fuckin traitor, we can't recover AZTLAN with that mentality
Makes sense, you can't have rifles like that here any more.
Have fun being a minority in 5 years. Brazil here we come!
Kill yourself slime!!
Sorry bro. You might be a raging success story but looking at pure numbers overall your people are degenerate subhuman who don't give a shit about this country. It's not just you or one country it's all Latinos. They are such a backwards force who are going to ruin the US. If you want to help don't come here looking for cheap praise, convert your family members into loud and proud Trump fans. Then maybe over time peoples opinions on you will shift.
Same brother, I'm a legal Mexican and I love this country and I love white people, it's like my Mexican grandma said "White people shoulda conquered all of Mexico, then Mexico wouldnt be such a shitty country", I just want to live amongst civilized white people because they have the greatest countries, I hate minorities that hate white people.
She was here legally at the time.
I completely get where you're coming from and even advocate for a more secure border. When I'd visit family in Mexico I was always struck by what a joke the border was.
I already said I know you'll never truly accept me. I'd honestly rather die than go back to Mexico, I don't have a single ounce of Mexican pride in me. I think they're cucks for letting their gov shit on them so hard. I'm the "come and take it" kind and they aren't. I have nothing in common with them
And your family is liberal!
Great, that's another 50 votes for Clinton!
What a palpable edge, I'll screen cap it for future masturbatory purposes.
And you never will, I'd die before I would let Mexicans shit up more land.
Ultimately you'll just destroy the infrastructure in these states and start invading the new US again.
>muh stateless meme
This one never gets old
Tonight, you are a Murican
Your point?
Reagan never should have granted millions of legal/illegal Mexicans citizenship.
Complete abuse of power and a big fuck you to the American citizens
If you love us for all the right reasons, you ARE us. Welcome, American.
Happy Independence Day.
Really, will you? How special
I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don't know why he's praised so much by the right. I'm just grateful it happened and wish more of my kind would see how fortunate they are.
The best I can do is try to give back more than this country has given me which is going to be impossible because I can never repay this country for what it gave me by simply existing.
Just help us get rid of the blacks and the jews.
I'm redpilled on the hook nosed menace.
Blacks I inherently hate.
You have my sword
If I ever heard a load of bullshit it was here on 4chunz, my mother was a legitimate refugee from El Salvador, if you give a shit about race enough to forgo your fellow American over race shes mostly spaniard thanks to her dad, she heard the US was the land of opportunity and she turned herself in at the border when she got caught.
She took the risk which is more than I can say for for every edgelord on this website, my dad was a legal immigrant and here I am getting back from a 4th of July show party to show my appreciation and patriotism.
As far as you white fuckers, you're too detatched from you're ancestors to realize you're they had to go through shit to make sure you guys can shitpost here, I dont care and I dont resent you, I hope my kids can do the same when they reach your point with your descendants, until then I'll suck it up and deal with whatever bullshit some up from you guys.
That's all you need mate
I can stand with you
Happy 4th!
Well then never let faggots get you down that hate on you. I hope you have some people who you can surround yourself with that truly make you feel welcome.
Then don't let anymore of your mestizo buddies south of the border come in. They WILL fuck up this country and drag it down with them.
>A legitimate refugee
No such thing. She isn't my responsibility, she isn't my neighbors, and she isn't the responsibility of the average American citizen.
Die for your country or be a coward. But don't fucking come here and expect to be treated like royalty for being just that, a fucking coward.
I get it. You usually get a pat on the back. Oh you vote trump? Oh you love America? I'm sure that usually gets you a lot of thumbs up.
But it doesn't mean shit.
We will military invade the States soon. Prepare, whitey
Furthermore, I don't care if your coward mother went through hell and back again.
She doesn't deserve citizenship simply for exsisting.
You know why she had to flee? Because her countries a shit hole. A literal run down curupt hell on earth. You know why? Because the people there create that environment.
Do they fix it? NOPE!
Why fix anything when you can just run to America?
Convert your damn relatives if you want to help the country you love. As it stands your relatives probably want to import more people who want the money of this country but don't give a shit about anything else and will shit on peoples rights and the Constitution if it means bringing more in. You have an obligation right now to change their minds. Otherwise everything you say here is pointless.
I dont hate you beanerbro, just the darkies.
I don't in any way try or promote more of them coming in.
The only thing I could think of doing to stop this is to vote Trump, which I already am.
Surprisingly enough I one of two kids in my family. My parents are shillary supporters, my sister was blue pilled as fuck but over time I opened her eyes. Unfortunately she's voting for Johnson but that's better than Hill so I can't really complain.
Just the white friends I've made. I have yet to meet another Mexican that thinks like me. I've met a Puerto Rican qt who's also MAGA to death but that's the only "minority", besides that just whites folks that have gotten to know me.
>Boots made in Mexico
Fuck off with your special snow flake thread you filthy beaner.
And lucky for you I dont give a shit and she dont give a shif, we make our own way like it should be, we've never been on welfare or any assistance.
We dont need any handouts because my family understand the virtues of hard work and making our way for ourselves that this country makes possible.
Get the fuck out my family's way and I'll get the fuck out your's.
Isn't that the whole point of this?
As long as you're legal it's OK
If you aren't, please fuck off
I couldn't ask for a better opportunity.
I get to shoot retarded shitkins, make my day fake texas.
The leather is Mexican, the labor is American.
El Dorado boots
>And lucky for you I dont give a shit and she dont give a shif
That's what it always comes down to with 99.99% of you people. You just don't care.
You're cowards, you break the law, your countries are shit dens. But hey! You don't care.
America will turn into the hellholes your people ran away from
Never been on any assistance? Really?
Then why aren't you back in the hellhole your mother crawled out of? Why were you born here and not there?
If that's not assistance I don't know what is
There's nothing wrong with those guns, noguns
Hey I'm Mexican too haha
Does that make you mad?
Mexibros report in
830/TX here
Whatever, take the high horse all you want, as far as Im concerned my family's story in the US is barely starting just like those Germans or Irish who cane here escaping the strife of their country, I'll fight a nigger, a b
Mexishit nationalist or a white piece shit to secure mine and my family's safety, fuck you and your divisive kikery
Believe them politically or go in a furnace for your skintone
GTFO non-whites
>I'm a good latino in America therefore all Latinos are good and should be welcome
No fuck you. I'm glad you made the right choice but overall you people are a plague. Anyone who immigrates here hoping to make money but ignore the culture of the country can fuck off and todaybin 2016 it's mostly Latinos doing this followed by Asians.
Stop drinking and fix my fucking roof
You didn't bother reading anything did you?
if you are here legally and act like a good american, i will call you my brother regardless of your race unless you are a dirty lying kike
Calls me a kike yet is the one who shouldn't have been born here
Says he will fight niggers yet is one
Oh, so you know I'm right but won't admit it. Hot Headed hell hole monkey can't admit he's wrong what a surprise
No, if they aren't white they can't stay
I'm in a meme stem degree m8
I couldn't fix your roof any better than you could
My god Canada, you really do suck at everything. You can't even string together one sentence to make a decent insult. Dumb chinks.
>Rand id
Hi beaner bro. I don't hate you. One of my best good friends is a mexican fellow. I just don't like the illegals who come here, demand we bend over backwards to accommodate them, and call us racist and wave mexican flags and signs that say "Make America Mexico Again" when we say no.
And by "we" I don't mean white people. I mean citizens of the United States.