It's weird how many smug capeshitters disagree

It's weird how many smug capeshitters disagree.

my favorite title sequence ever is actually from Dawn of the Dead, another Snyder flick.

It is a really good title sequence.

The Man of Steel trailer was kino too

That trailer had me so fucking hype, shame how the film turned out so mediocre.

>Style over substance director praises style over substance director


It's good but the rest of the film is shit.

MoS and BvS are K I N O though. They're the perfect films for Znyder to direct because the material is appropriate for his mastery of digital filmmaking.

Better than no style nor substance you retard.

I liked the Superman Returns trailer better

The one I have is 3:06 minutes. What's the difference between mine and the Ultimate?

Even being shot panel for panel, Watchmen proved that some adaptations dont work. Also the Watchmen graphic novel is overrated as fuck and isnt the sacred cow people would have you believe. Its entry level casual shit