Chev Chelios must __________ to survive
Chev Chelios must __________ to survive
roll dubs
shitpost constantly
show butthole
grow his hair back
It's a very slow sequel no one asked for to make up for the other ones being so action-packed.
Stay awake. The record is 11 days
Check em.
Kick some block oss
>sequel where chev has to take deep breaths and control himself in the face of stress and adversity or else his heart will explode
would watch
get a 6
Good idea, but it's a bit too close to the first one.
Damn son, this one hit a little too close to home.
Can't remember which comedian it was, but the guy who said that he was attached to a machine that runs exclusively on DvDs of Crank 2 has the best idea I've ever heard.
Is there any hope that we will ever get a Crank 3?
Plz find and link
must die to survive
must explote to survive
must bloodbath to survive
must cuck cucks to survives
dress like a woman
Cut onions without tears
achieve biological homeostasis
>inb4 sing
That's still the best idea these threads have conjured up
watch 18 sopranos episodes per day
roll a 75
Stay erect
Team up with Phil and grant Mitchell
Fuck and suck.
That's not a 75
orgasm once per hour
the release of brain chemicals from cumming counteracts the neurotoxin he has been injected with so he must fuck constantly while chasing the man who done him wrong
The fuck was in that red box anyways
That's not very hard though, he can just masturbate once per hour.
Feed and seed
Did they ever show you what was in that red cooler? It wasn't his heart if i recall. Chev looks in and mentions it being disgusting.
>Chelios means bald man in my language.
What did they mean by this?
not poop
pay denbts
eat tacos
b-but his hands have been amputated
he also needs chemicals only secreted by the vagine