ITT:Countries what won't exist during our lifetime

ITT:Countries what won't exist during our lifetime

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Both your countries are subhuman shitholes

>t. Janek

My country

Poles are such pathetic fucking subhumans. Sometimes I wish I was born in the past just so I could join the OUN and lay waste to them.

Poles faked it to get sympathy, just like Katyn.
Actually they were the ones murdering innocent Ukrainians to create a Greater Poland


GOOD post

civil war coming soon there!

Poland sometimes disappears but Poles usually don't unless we are annihilated physically.

If we weren't ruled by traitors for last 25 years, we could already have our own nuclear arsenal and strong army, unfortunately those who rule us aren't even Polish, so it is hard to expect that they ever cared about our future. Now we are occupied by some exotic subhumans from other continent who don't even know where Poland is located on map, and these subhumans are slowly switching sides in geopolitical chess by making a reversal of alliances. So i guess nothing can save us now. I enjoy normal life as long as i have it, if the mess arrives, i will be worrying about it post factum.

>t. subhuman

>Pole calling another Pole subhuman

>t. subhuman slavshit expat defending his beloved country

t. slav in denial

its in your blood, Piotr. Youre just a displaced Pole in Wilno

germans own your media

poland is fake country. it should be just splitted in half and given to germany and russia


rich coming from a finn.

"Born slaves, loving their chains, blindly following orders."
This is how A. Mickiewicz, national poet of Poland, Belarus and Lithuania described F*nns.

>mfw Poland has 3 times the amount of tanks Germany has

The glorious leader will make sure that it will be the case.

Then how comes Polish media hates on Germany so much?

lmao you don't know nothing about finland. swedes did nothing good here. only gave us big taxes and were killing our people in wars. and that statue. tsar gave us autonomy. we weren't same slaves to russia like you. that's why we don't destroy those statues.


The ones hating on everything non polish is the (((state))) media

Was just about to post this.

>we weren't same slaves to russia like you.
sure thing buddy, whatever lets you sleep at night
Kigdom of Poland enjoyed the same autonomy is the duchy (lel) of finland but unlike fincucks we tried to win our freedom back.

while you were
born slaves
loving your chains
blindly following orders


Proof of Polish autonomy?

Oh jesus please let us be incorporated into germany. At least the western poland.
Independence was a mistake.

there was no need to ''win our freedom back''. bobrikov was the person who tried to ruin the autonomy.

fucking history books?
Poland lost it's autonomy and from a Kingdom in an Union with Russian Empire was reduced to a "Vistula Land" within the Empire after uprisings.

Poles were fighting for their land and freedom while finns were born slaves, loving their chains and blindly following orders.

So Poles chimped out and lost their autonomy, while Finns played smart?

>Russians bend over for 80 years to make Finns prefer them over Swedes
>Poles expect Finns to randomly riot

Pssst, over here, stranger. Do you need some poland?

>played smart
good goy


Hey ukraine. Wanna be incorporated into germany together with us?

Sounds good, mama Merkel pls send gibs.

You hear that ? Tell this to Mutti Merkel next time you see her.

I think this is the problem with Poles, you never learn from your mistakes.
Your politicians fuck up, and instead to recognize the failure, you glorify it as "Poland never gives up"