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Japanese dragon

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first for first



tooOooO early like always
Very nice ass tho

do you want us to get ear cancer

you like ass?

Yes very much

I see
*take a note*


looks white to me

pffffffffffff kek how is this information useful

>The Echpik people a distant offshoot of the Finnish people have lived in what is now known as eastern Lithuania for centuries. They are notable for their radical cosmology relative to other Uralic peoples as well as an extensive oral tradition deriving from unknown sources. Indeed the Echpik have remained pagan to this very day through figures derived from the Christian mythos such as Jesus Christ have entered the pantheon. The most stark feature of their mythology is the unusual importance they place on the afterlife compared to all other European and Siberian traditions. It is unknown exactly how many underworlds there are in Echpik cosmology through the most important are named. In addition each underworld is presided over by at least one god who unlike in the Egyptian tradition could be a malevolent or relatively neutral figure. It is unknown why the Echpik were not converted like the other Uralic tribes of the Baltic region but it is speculated that they adopted sufficient Christian practices to pass as ones to ignorant missionarys.

The Echpik by the middle to late 1600's had created a major settlement known as Kantike along the banks of the Daugava in modern day Latvia. Despite being to small to be called a true city it proved to be the high point of Echpik culture. The most notable items to come from Kantike were a series of nine jewels which were said to have magical properties in Echpik folklore on the account of being blessed by the god of the first (and most important) underworld Tuoni. These properties include the ability to turn water into blood, bestow power over the minds of animals such as dogs and crows, unusual luck with manmade objects such as dice and weaponry, the ability to communicate with the dead who had touched the jewels, vague power over the earthly domain and most notably the ability to take a persons life by the start of the next full moon if the proper ritual was followed which apparently required both a bone of a relative as well as the blood of the victim. Off these nine jewels two are currently in the possesion of the Echpik, three are in the Latvian national mueseum, one is possesed by the parliament of russia, one is currently one of the crown jewels of england and the remaining two are lost. It has been speculated by scholars that both the British royal family as well as the Russian Tsars used these jewels to expand their own power as well as the power of their realms through this is likely just superstition. An incident in which a respected Echpik man died of unknown reasons after writing a cryptic letter on the night of a full moon is often used as evidence for the power of the jewels. At least 5 other events like this have been reported among the Echpik during the 20th century and a similar case was recorded involving a minor noblewoman in 19th century england. Despite this the supposed power of the jewels is disregarded by many historians.

>Kantike was burnt down under personal orders of the Russian Tsar in the early 1800's due to reports of a figure composed of black mist floating over the Daugava. It was long rumoured that the Echpik were still followers of paganism and therefore devil-worshippers in the eyes of Orthodox church. A visit from the Tsars cousin in 1821 only served to further these suspicions and Kantike was burnt down in 1823 for supposedly conjuring the black mist figure. Since entries pertaining to a so called "Jewel of Kantike" started appearing in the Tsar's diary around this time it is assumed this event resulted in the Russian royal family obtaining one of the nine jewels. The Echpik never built another large settlement after Kantike and continued to live in small tribal villages built around a single clan. It is most likely that the Echpik in modern day Latvia and Belarus died out, emigrated or were assimilated during this time, through the latter scenario is unlikely.

any part of 3DPD

>The Echpik were for unknown reasons not counted as part of the censuses of the Soviet Union despite being in counted as citizens of the Russian Empire even through their relevance had decreased after the burning of Kantike. It is perhaps fortunate that the Echpik were ignored by the Soviets thanks to there extensive persecution of other minorities. Despite this it is a mystery to why they were basically ignored as the Soviets documented and counted the peoples of other pagan groups such as the Yakuts. The Echpik were also not counted in the first census of the post-soviet republic of Lithuania through they were counted in subsequent ones thanks to a petition sent by the representatives of multiple Echpik tribes. In recent years at least 3 cases of Lithuanians killing Echpik for ethnic reasons have occured. This has caused much distress amongst the Echpik who number little over a thousand as of 2013 and a few Echpik have attempted to negotiate a deal with the Polish government and the EU to settle in areas of eastern poland where they will have less contact with outsiders.

wtf Lithuania?

really makes you go hmm

nah it is useless, I bet that you also like ass a lot

where are you getting this from?
shan't be nor conforming nor denying this

>In recent years at least 3 cases of Lithuanians killing Echpik for ethnic reasons have occured

I will take that as a yes

literally no info on the net about these "Echpik" people

believe what you want I won't stop you

Thanks you are a good person

*destroys stuff that you like*

I take that back

name more iconic mustache
I bet that you can't

>female condom
Didn't know that this stuff exists

>only one white...

Lads, my bluetooth headphones no longer get audio from the left speaker. :( I've had these for about 4 years. Any recommendation for new ones under $100?

And was also a nigger who stole everything


google is racist against whites

cooking katsu

ok post pics when you are done

I don't want to get tracked down


has anyone told you that you like a sponge?

nope not really

now you know

oh wow thanks
nice pic btw

yes, I want to get a jacket like that

It does look pretty comfortable.

hmm well it looks interesting
and that red color would bring attention to you

wizard is that you?

I like that color yes

red like the blooooood

That is the main reason yes

really, that is a strange reason
Is it you favorite colour?


no I like all colors
diversity is our strength ;)
it more depends on the design

now this is a cool jacket

really dislike fat jackets

>diversity is our strength ;)
>it more depends on the design
Well yeah I see, but I was talking about just plain colors not colors on certain stuff like clothes

but they are warm and some people might think that you are massive and be scared of you

well yeah then red is somewhere near the top


oh I see *take some notes*

well either way they could think that you can crush them with your massive weight
pretty scary t.bh

plenty of people like red color
>well either way they could think that you can crush them with your massive weight
Nah they would just laugh at you cause you're fat and they'd know that you couldn't out run them and catch them

True, but they would run exactly because they would be scared of being crushed

I bet people would be scared of this fashionable jacket

this one also looks pretty good

We invented weapons for a reason.


is this a jacket from some bondage shop?

can you even own a gun for self defense in ausland? I bet not
so here comes THE FATTY *SMASH*
I don't know might be I just searched it on google images by writing "psycho jacket"

I bet this one would be useful in a snowstorm

Hear hear!

gonna search for a jacket that looks like that on the net

ok good luck with that

It looks like a suit vest, minus the suit.

I think you're mistaking something I want a jacket like the one in this image


>weight 193 kg weeew
btw asian sizes are ridiculous xxl or xxxl is like m/l in europe

I am not even sure which one of them would fit me then since I very rarely buy new clothes cause I don't like spending money on them and wear just the ones that I have and they are really old and starting to not fit me

they have this label here though the one jacket that I am wearing now is S size

From where are you looking to buy? aliexpres?
anyway most of the times there are measurements table under the product

Nah, it's just one size off. Japanese L is British M. However, Japanese sizes are the same to French sizes.

I mean they do have measurments tables as seen there, but I do now know my sizes of bust,length,shoulder or sleeve

that was a picture of poland btw

>but I do now know my sizes of bust

A cup?
B cup?

Just go to your local hiking gear store, daft cunt.

and yes aliexpres if you know any better shops from lithuania or japan do tell me
know any japanese online shops?
but it clearly says "men's jacket" so I assumed it means something else

forgot to add image baka desu

I don't know, most of the times I see this on aliexpress, ebay and similar sites

Don't you have a measuring tape at home?

I was joking, ease up.
It's most likely about the width of the rib cage, just measure it.

>when you see hot girls at work and then find out they're Lithuanian and speak terrible English

top 5 boner killers

gettin hi



>Don't you have a measuring tape at home?
why would I have that I am not a normalfag
you're the one who needs to ease up

>you're the one who needs to ease up


well then you have to buy it :D
I bet you don't want to buy some jacket that wouldn't fit you

*blocks your path*

A freaking radiator
now that is what I'm talking about


I wish the liths are low IQ Latvian was here


america elected orange hitler
