There are people that pretend this was better than Manchester by the sea and lala land

>there are people that pretend this was better than Manchester by the sea and lala land

It was honestly garbage

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Stop resenting your gayness

It was better than La la land. Eeverything was better than that shit

I didn't care about the gay or all black cast. It was just seriously not a good film No

this is actually whats happening, its quite pathetic in 2016

Huh? The current year is 2017

Pretentious blatant oscar bait masquerading as some sort of deep film.

>this was better than Manchester by the sea
>lala land

Stop hating Lala land

It is beyond doubt better than La La Land.

La La Meme is shit.

Stop. You're making me mad

>you think any of those garbages you listed are better than hacksaw ridge


I love Mel but that movie isn't good

it's better than manchester by the sea but neither are that good

juan was the best character in the flick

lol no, it was a pretty simple story with no real "deep message" aside from just showing the perspective of a certain character, you just assumed that it's pretentious because you skimmed the summary on wikipedia and figured out it's about a gay black boy

Worse than Mankino by the Sea, far better than Lie Lie Land

He's right though it is Oscar bait

>manchester by the sea
>medicore plot and writing held up by great acting

>medicore acting held up by great writing, directing, and plot

it's clear why moonlight diserves and will win the oscar


>great writing, directing, and plot

Whatever you just described was not moonlight. I literally just watched it and was blown away by how it was even nominated

stay mad

How was it oscar bait? Is it automatically oscar bait because it's about a gay black kid? The movie doesn't emphasize on his homosexuality that much and doesn't have an overt political message. It's just a character-focused movie about a kid who doesn't fit in because he's different and grows up to become something he isn't because of how he was raised and the environment he is in.

It's Oscar bait because those reasons are why it got nominated. Take away the fact it's a gay black man and there's nothing there

>Boyhood as god tier
That movie was a pretentious POS

>It's Oscar bait because those reasons are why it got nominated.

That's not true though. A lot of critics praised it because it isn't just about a gay black kid, there are elements of it that are universal and that anyone can relate to. Things like not having a father figure, having a difficult relationship with your family, being an outsider in school and getting picked on, searching for love, and being pressured by everyone around you to grow up into becoming something that doesn't fit you. You don't have to be a gay or black to connect or relate with the protagonist on some level, because he goes through things that everyone goes through, it's just that the details are different.

But will you admit that you yourself ARE a gay black man?

It's literally the opposite of pretentious, pleb

No, I'm neither gay nor black. That's partly why I thought it was good, even though the subject matter on paper sounds geared to one very specific audience in execution it goes beyond just race or sexual orientation.

Are you a woman? Do you need a bf?

this movie was actually better than straight outta compton though

There was opera playing during a scene with kids rough housing... That's just one example of this movie being pretentious and honestly just trying way too hard

you've taken the backlash at lalaland's popularity too far

Filming a movie over 10 years with a shit lead isn't pretentious?

the whole first half was not very good

Kek, I originally thought your image was just to troll but you actually think boyhood was good. End yourself


deal with it plebs

>google "La La Land" to see what all the fuss is about after Sup Forums's constant shilling that its better than Moonlight
>"La La Land is a 2016 American musical romantic comedy-drama"

you fucking fags


>thinking rotten tomato scores are important


you don't like musicals? I love them.

What the fuck even is this list trying to convey

It was my first musical and I can't get City of Stars out of my head, I love that song.

i dont get why people like that song, way too muted. The opening number and the John Legend song were my favorites

I like lower tone and softer music. The opening number is a bit too bombastic for me but I do like the John Legend song.