Well this was amazing

Well this was amazing.

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There were so many good scenes.



Watched it twice and liked it even more the second time around. "Greatest TV show ever made" wouldn't even be a stretch, honestly.

Sophia is bestgirl


that song was pretty good. also the actress was a fucking goddess

This so much. I cant wait till i watch it again.


Completely underrated in Sup Forums

I came here looking for generals whilst it was airing and never found one

Is this bait? TYP was shit.

This is false or sarcasm

There were some pretty good threads a few weeks ago, when it was airing in the US.

If you stopped watching it in the first half of the season, I can forgive this opinion. If you finished all 10 episodes and you think it was shit, never come back to Sup Forums

Probably because it wasn't aired in the US until recently.

Was anyone else choking up at the end? I can't say exactly why but I felt like I was going to cry.

The ninth episode legit made me cry, you know which scene. I can't remember the last time a show/movie got to me like that

Can't wait til 2019 when season 2 airs.

Didn't see any, not trolling/sarcasm either

were there generals when it aired the first time?

I don't even want a season 2. It could only go downhill

It was definitely a beautiful scene.

It hit home too close

Thats an optimistic target.

They're set to begin filming season 2 next summer.

>it gets good half a season in

They're able to, it's not set in stone that they will. Last word is Sorrentino is done writing, but that nothing's been ordered.

This part was pretty hilarious.

i liked all the funny moments the best tbqh, made the characters more human and the show less pretentious


>mfw heard that

I was hooked.

It can only go downhill from here. They won't be able to put out a better season than and already perfect one. And anything less than better will be a disappointment.

>Funded by the EU
>Lenny is sympathetic and the points they make about the modern church actually quite valid
Am I just seeing this through a biased view and we were supposed to disagree with him the whole time or did something go wrong

It really does, though. I enjoyed it all the way through, but "House of Cards in the Vatican" would not be off-base for the first 5 episodes or so. But towards the end it turns into something pretty special

> You have busted our balls

The way this guy takes off his wig and "reveals his identity" was meant to be funny, right? Especially coming in the middle of such a heavy scene, this moment was the best laugh of the series for me

What did you expect watching two episodes of one of the dullest franchise in the history of tv franchises. Seriously each episode following Pope Pius XIII and his cardinal pals as they fight assorted other members of the Church has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and inaccurate use of curial politics, all to make faith faithless, to make belief seem nonexistent.

Perhaps the die was cast when Pope Francis vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody. Just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his policies which he will never finish before being stabbed to death by a refugee. The Young Pope might be anti-Benedict XVI (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Catholic series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and faith. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the writing was good though
The writing is dreadful; the direction was terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time Pius went for a walk, Sorrentino wrote instead that a miracle "happens".

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a miracle occured. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several hundred times. I was incredulous. Sorrentino's mind is so governed by cliches and literal shit metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of The Young Pope by a Redditor. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are watching Sorrentino at 14 or 15, then when they get older they will go on Reddit." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you watch "Sorrentino" you are, in fact, trained to be a Redditor.

I could not help but notice that the Pope softening his stance on homosexual clergy led directly to the pedophile archbishop being sent to Alaska rather than expelled from the church. Of course, it was a homosexual priest that uncovered the homosexual act that got him nailed so I guess in the end it's a bit of a wash.

It was a great show. I will be supremely disappointed though if he becomes pope Francis in season 2. Pope Pious X thing he has going is half the kino, though the character development was beautiful i'll admit.

I thought the show played very well with who was right and wrong and who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. You never quite know where someone lies. I thought that was the whole point.

I expect most of season 2 will be Lenny dealing with a new crisis of faith brought on by his death and resurrection.

Me and my dad watched the first episode. It was hard to get through. I usually watch a shows first season completely regardless of the first episode but it was too pretentious and boring.

I think the point was that when your decisions influence that many people, there's going to be a good side and a bad side to anything. They had no real proof and nobody willing to testify about the archbishop's pedophilia, the only thing they could prove was that he had gay sex with the liquor store clerk.

So Lenny couldn't excommunicate him AND keep Gutierrez around, he had to choose one or the other. Lenny is a "contradiction" but never a hypocrite

You tried.

It really did feel like an event, it's incredible.

Who the hell would have thought that the best, most earnest show about religion ever made would've come from the cynical sex-and-gore merchants at HBO?

I don't get how a guy casting miracles doesn't believe in God. Doesn't make sense unless he's expressing something non literal that I don't get.

I expect season 2 will have a what was Lenny's calling theme.

Lenny and Violo become buds.

What happened to the miracle guy.

Best tv show I've seen since true detective season 1

Same reason most people stop believing in God, he never answers the prayer that Lenny really wants him to

Its an Italian show, HBO just has the rights to distribute in the USA.

Which would explain why the nudity was minimal and usually not meant to be arousing and why it actually tells its story as if God were real rather than the usual too smart for God that Jews love in their shows, Tyrion and other cool smart characters come to mind.

oh its not a philosophical thing its more he's pissed off at God type of thing.

That's the way I took it, yeah. He's not so sure his "miracles" aren't just coincidences, because he prays even harder for his parents to show up and that one never works

It was cozy to watch non-Jewish entertainment for a change. It felt right.

"All the things you like, that is God"
All Lenny would like is too find his parents, hence his doubt in God.


Lenny says he can't see God because he can't see his father. His parents abandoned him and God won't speak to him aloud.

When Lenny sincerely seeks God (at the deathbed, for Ester & Peter, at the rest stop) God answers. When Lenny sincerely sought out his parents, they appeared.

But it's never quite what he wants or expects, so he dismisses it as something he doesn't understand and continues to grapple with it all.

If you can watch the second ep to the end. If you still don't like it drop it but ep 2 is amazing and it really takes a turn by the end of the ep.

>let me respond to your bait by telling you how not baited I am


>he dismisses it as something he doesn't understand
Oh yeah, he says that when ask by Dusollier about miracles.

It's like instead of doing what G.K. Chesterton did, he decided to write replies on Sup Forums instead.


I don't even have to watch the show- from the clips and commentary I've seen, this is basically a subtle leftist takedown of morality, spirituality, tradition, and conservatism. Not hard to see through it.

We had some very good threads before it aired in the US and then some more after that where plebs got constantly BTFO.

oh boy you have no idea of how wrong you are

>this is basically a subtle leftist takedown of morality, spirituality, tradition, and conservatism. Not hard to see through it.
Pretty much the exact opposite.