What the fuck was this?
I feel retarded for not understanding the plot.
Where did the aliens go?
What the fuck was this?
they went to wait 3,000 years for help
the space squids are able to see the future and in 3000 years they knew that they would need the humans to do some stupid shit because they don't have thumbs
so the squids taught the cunt the language by having her call the chinese general and rattling a box of silverware over the phone which made the general remember something about his dead wife and that caused the lady doctor (I honestly cant remember her name) to learn the language and teach it to humanity.
but humanity can only learn the language by buying her fucking book
>Guys we have this great sci-fi concept and we are making a movie!
>Well cool let's just take some time to make decent characters
>Well it comes out next month
>that's not nearly enough time to develop characters
>Lol do it anyways!
Good concept and such, but fuck were those characters the worst I've seen in a long while.
The scientific part of the plot is based on the real scientific theory that the universe expands and contracts over and over again. Meaning that everything we're doing now has already been done before. The aliens language reprograms the human brain to be able to see into the past and the future. Nonlinear existence.
And because we can see the future that already happened before we can simply decide to change the outcome of this particular universal expansion.
Yeah I was kind of surprised. Sicario had much better characters then this. Granted they were either stupid or assholes but that's pretty realistic for the shit they were doing.
this is now canon
> fuck were those characters the worst I've seen in a long while.
They weren't really awful as much as lackluster. I mean, I expect better from this director shure, but there are so many Blockbuster movies out there with fucking ass character development that I can't really be too pissed about it.
This movie was the biggest pile of shit I've seen in years. I loved it until the final act; using time travel / foresight as a deus ex machina is just fucking lazy writing. It makes me irrationally angry how many people gobble up this load of cum as groundbreaking cinema.
I get that, but learning their language shouldn't be able to give the power on omniscience just because the language repeats itself.
It's like if I learned Arabic and suddenly knew how to go back in time
Or if I learned Japanese and could start floating up and down.
I think it was more the rest of the movie was well done but the characters were so alarmingly boring that it really stuck out.
So that part of the plot is based on another theory that when you learn a language it's one of the major factors that maps out your brain and solidifies the way you pick up and perceive concepts in life.
The learning the alien language is supposed to remap your brain to be able to naturally perceive time.
the aliens went back? or forward!?# in time to communticate in sniat eeffoc
If you can suddenly see that you fucked up your future then of course you're going to change it. That's not lazy that's just inherently and generally human.
Besides, there's still shit that can't be changed. Like her kid dying of that rare disease.
That is the most fantastically incorrect interpretation of Sapir-Whorf I've ever seen.
What the fuck.
Then you explain it faggot.
Sure, but implying that learning a new language will "re-wire" your brain so drastically that you magically become a prophet is a leap of faith I could not take.
This movie was so shit I'm actually upset I wasted time watching it.
Oh really? I just watched this and there was no hint of anything like that. Don't you think they should have perhaps mentioned something like this? Seems kinda important to understand the plot. Hmm, really makes you think
For starters it has nothing to do with mapping the brain, or anything with neuroscience at all. It's super high-level cognitive stuff, there is no low-level aspect.
Secondly, it's bullshit in many respects. Even weak Sapir-Whorf is pretty much just a nice idea, there's no evidence to back it up. So it's not even a concept, it's a bag of hot air.
>For starters it has nothing to do with mapping the brain, or anything with neuroscience at all. It's super high-level cognitive stuff, there is no low-level aspect.
Ok fine.
>Secondly, it's bullshit in many respects.
I never said I agreed with it, only that it was one of the theorys they used for the movie. Every scientist and linguist has already called BS on this theory a while ago.
>but humanity can only learn the language by buying her fucking book
toppest of keks
will repost/10
my bad, totally misplaced the cene of louise explaining it to Forest. they really should have emphasised it.
were the aliens from arrival the same aliens from the mist? i mean they'are spaceships were full of mist and they are both aliens so it makes sense
dude space time continuum lmao
Just watched it. It was easy to understand but the ending was too abrupt. Needed another 20 minutes to wrap everything nicely.
what a shitty plot, okay cool, that's how the space time continuum works, how will the humans help the heptoctopussy in 3000 years by knowing their language? why couldnt they tell her what was going to happen so humanity is prepared to help?
>how will the humans help the heptoctopussy in 3000 years by knowing their language?
Nobody knows. Not even the writers. That's why it was never addressed in the movie.
>why couldnt they tell her what was going to happen so humanity is prepared to help?
They needed two things: humanity working as one and they seeing time in a different way.
This was accomplished by landing multiple ships, make them cooperate with each other and learning their language.
i figured out the big picture. these heptaniggers just go around hopping from planet to planet pulling this trick on primitive civilizations to use them as slave labor. right after the movie ends they are probably off to visit some planet they jewed like 1000 years ago saying they need some shit and now they are going to back to collect and exploit them for some time. then theyll go off to other planet and park for a while to organize another pool of slaves on another planet
So fucking SLOW.
Also just shitty characters.
I liked the language and ayy lmaos. The phone call scene was alright but dragged on too long.
The entire ending after that took too long.
Very happy I watched this cause it gave me an idea for a new conlang which will be a complete ripoff of the one in the flick.
so i guess we're all in agreement that watching them figure out the purpose was cool but the plot ultimately sucked.
this was without a doubt
the biggest letdown for me in the last few years
3/4s of the film was a brilliant sci fi movie that had me on edge
the score, lighting, cinematography, everything it was wonderful
then around the last 1/4 things go off the rails and it just lost all traction and threw away all the anxiety and buildup it had going for it
I was hooked by the film in the first 5 minutes but I knew that I was going to have a problem with the film after the first or second "flashback" scene where I verbally talked to the film and said "I don't give a shit about your dead cancer daughter get back to the aliens and the interesting part of the plot"
I should have stopped watching there
I have multiple complains about the move but all of them come in the last 30 minutes of hte film or so and most of them probably come in the last 10
1. I really disliked the whole setup with the "we r dum and angry soldijurs and we no lik alieenz so we blow dem up cuz the personification of Rush Limbaugh told us 2". Military guys don't act like that under any circumstances. 1 lone guy I could maybe blieve but a whole group is literally impossible, even if an asteroid was heading for earth and we were all going to die they would still do their job as ordered. nitpick but it made me angry
2. Aliens were nothing but a shitty plot device and served no actual purpose. They have some cryptic excuse about how 3000 years from now what they did will pay off but honestly they serve no point. You could have had a ouija board tell hear how to see the future and it would have been just as relevant to the plot. Alien movie that doesn't actually care about the aliens good ending point totally, great idea.
3. Whole premise of the film is to make us question if we actually have free will when and if we can perceive events in the future. Unfortunately this whole thing is botched due to the fact that the movie creates a time paradox and answers that question for us.
He is right that there is so far no connection between language and how you perceive time but in the end it's just a movie.
you sound like a man, who would really enjoy the original short story
>Story of your life
>the space squids are able to see the future and in 3000 years they knew that they would need the humans to do some stupid shit because they don't have thumbs
they had to open a jar of pickles they real hungry
If you've seen Stargate SG-1 this will sound familiar:
>aliens need humans help because they see time differently
>they go back in time to ask their help and need to talk to them
>decide they should teach the humans their language so they can understand their problem
>a derivative from this is that the language turns out to be the way they perceive time
>teaching humans their language means they alter their way of perceiving time
>humans end up seeing time differently over the millenia too
>they become unable to help the aliens due to becoming like them
>aliens need to go back in time again
>if the problem would be solved, a paradox would ensue as there would be no need to go back in time
>because of the aliens way of seeing time they cannot alter their fate so they are bound to never create the paradox and always go back in time
>the squids are actually humans altered by evolution and their newfound language altering their perception and physicality
It's basically the time-dillation field episode with Asgardians involved.