Why doesn't Europe have any natural disasters?

Why doesn't Europe have any natural disasters?

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They had plenty of plagues, volcanos, earthquakes in the past, now its forest fires.

The whole north of europe is frozen shithole that is a continuous natural disaster for a large part of the year

>get natural disaster every once a while
>is a frozen shithole
Choose one

We have niggers flooding in, it will do damage over time.

we had a major earthquake the last year

There has been a few floods.

northern europe is unironically 10x better place to live than anywhere in south

>cold temperatures
>lack of sunlight
>depressed suicidal people
Sure thing

We are a weak people unable to take the strength of a hurricane unlike SBP(STRONG BAHAMAS PEOPLE)

Italy had one. But no one cares about Italy.

Yeah, that must be why they all come to the south in summer

That is the definition of comfy

It's just a good place to live once you figure out the agriculture.

Just nope.


Wrong pic

we used to have floods all the time here and we will again if the sea level continues to rise

The idea of being stuck in some humid environment surrounded by berber donkey fuckers just terrifies me.

>cold temperatures
meme, its not siberia

yeah, Turkey used to be on of favourite destinations for Europeans during summer, clearly its better than most of European countries

there is a source more reliable tahn a bed word art pic from the 1998?



only delusional and/or ignorant people think south is better than north

they are only happy because they take 100 anti-depressants a day. The suicide of rate of northern Europe is 10X that of the South for a reason tho.

We do, they just take on a different shape.

>forgetting the infamous bongcane of 2015


but we do?


ah yes southern europe is such a magnificent place to live thousands of young northerners move every year to those countries


Well they have Germany.

>less blacks and arabs

Completely worth it.

Same. The humidity alone would kill me

>martin luther
>wilhelm II
>based adolf
all of those are good things tho


saw a fire in ourense last month
real shit

funny some of those top are also the largest anti-depressant consumers

... well, I guess the meds are working



We have earthquakes.

That's nothing
We get those as well, although rarely. I've seen one at least, maybe more, can't recall.

Are you even trying?

Because we're White.

God himself punishes the non Europeans because they are savages
we are good boys

Comfy if you're a NEET who never needs to leave his home, sure.

But when you need to commute to work, snow is absolute dogshit. And don't pretend it isn't, because you know just as well as I do that your """""opinion""""" (which is clearly more of an edgy political stand than an actual opinion) isn't at all popular among the majority.

It's "fewer", you absolute fucking cretin.

Moreover, you clearly have never set foot in Stockholm or Oslo if you think Northern Europe is somehow free of blacks and arabs. Meanwhile, many Southern places like Croatia have practically no arabs and no blacks at all.

>Implying I don't drive a car
Eat shit faggot

So do most people. You say that as if it changes anything at all.

well you just clearly cried in that post see this
>>But when you need to commute to work, snow is absolute dogshit.
So yeah it changes because I drive almost everyday and don't care

"Commuting" isn't limited to public transportation, if that's what you're thinking.

Commuting refers to all transportation, including cars (the most common method of commuting). ALL commuting is shit in the winter. Winter is only "comfy" when you never leave your home.

Stop crying faggot, to me it is comfy and to you it is not comfy. We are not the same person
why can't you just understand this

Because we're not stupid enough to live in a region where natural disasters are a thing.
I can't even remember a single natural catastrophe in this country. A few years ago there was a hefty storm during a music festival (Pukkelpop) where some people died. But that wasn't a severe natural event, if all these thousands of people were not gathered in an open field with big concert tents crashing down on them, there wouldn't have been a problem. So even in this case, which was a big news story at the time, we can't really speak of a natural disaster.

You literally wrote "That is the definition of comfy" as if it were perfectly factual. Furthermore, Scandis on Sup Forums constantly LARP as "le strong winter warrior" and circlejerk over "muh cold" (even though Norway and Sweden are hardly even that cold or snowy compared to Finland, Russia and even Canada). So I'm glad you're able to understand the subjectivity of the matter, but considering that many of your countryment clearly don't, I feel it necessary to point out all of what I did.





Italian earthquakes might not have the magnitudes that, for example, Chilean earthquakes have, but their depth is typically much lower (the one which happened in August 2016 was at a depth of only 4.4 km).

warms my heart

god truly is just

snow is terrible. where i live we have a heavy snowfall at least once per winter. last year we got 4 or 5 inches of snow in a single night and my town got totally paralyzed. i usually work from home when that happens. traffic is horrible, people can't drive in snow and it is just total chaos.

oh that's right, I completely forgot about avalanches

Forest fires, earthquakes, floods, nigger tsunamis are all disasters.

didnt you just describe london?