Unfilmable novels
Unfilmable novels
it's filmable, but it would be a bad film.
But the audience would die.
anything by Vonnegut. They tried, but it was awful
doubt they would show The Entertainment, just people glued to a tv screen
has there ever been a decent movie adapted from a post modern novel?
Yea ur mum
Catch 22 but that's like PoMo lite
>author's name written bigger than the title of the book itself
How full of yourself must you be?
Why is it undulmkable?
I don't think he designed that cover, user
it's ironic
The book itself isn't that great. People interested in literature read it because the book is famous for being a difficult read with lots of references to literature itself. It's more of an initiation to the club than a good story.
Depends if you think Cloud Atlas was good.
Kek, that's the publisher's idea. DFW took a paycut so that people overseas would pay the same as Muricans which was p. cool but led to riots in India when the Rupee was single handedly debunked by its translation.
Infinite Jest is only unfilmable because it would be unwatchable.
Now get your ass back to /lit/ and pretend to be an author or a philosopher and post pics of your bookshelf.
What are you talking about? Her name is smaller than the title and covered by the clouds, you can barely see it?
House of Leaves
And no cheating by just doing the Navidson Record
Inherent Vice was good, just weird.
I guess this sort of qualifies. You sure as fuck couldn't make it anything like the novel. Since most of the humor is based on the contrast between what the main character says and does and what he's actually thinking and planning to do, you would have to rely on some really excessive voice over narration, coupled with the fact that the main character is deliberately written to be unlikeable, I don't see how you could do it and not have it be fucking terrible.
Whenever it's brought up that if one had unlimited resources what movie would one adapt from a book or vidya? This is always fucking mine. I'd figure it out, y'know, unlimited resources and all.
>infinite jest
It's some bizarre post-post-modern if anything
Does any of his other works have the feel good vibe of the Don Gately, Hal or Mario bits. Or just recommend anything else that feels similar?
When will this meme die
Lmao, DFW literally killed himself because everyone thought he was a postmodernist and he felt he was a fraud
Inherent Vice was alright. It's a shame they cut out the subplot in Vegas.
Just got my copy signed
It's called The Royal Tenenbaums
I haven't read it, but isn't the idea that it was focused on some kind of sincerity not seen since modernism?
Is that just a meem?
Is the whole book a meeeeeemm?
which book are you talking about?
OP's pic is Infinite Jest. it's really long, but it's really funny and, besides jumping around in time and between different characters and the footnote stuff, is very easy to read.
think of it like reading three very accessible books. you will enjoy it as you read it. you will not care about the story being wrapped up or paying off.
if you want a book that tries to do what IJ does, but sucks dick at it, try "Underworld" by Don Delillo. I read it before I read IJ. I was wondering what I was supposed to be getting out of it. I thought the problem was with me. Then I read Infinite Jest, and loved every page of it, and realized what a fraud Don Delillo is.
That's a big Z
DeLillo is a massive fraud and reading White Noise made me realize it. It's style is utterly feckless and reads like the ramblings of a beatnik lacking both drugs and poverty.
In one of his non-fiction essays he talks about how future generations are going to rebel against post-modernism by being more sincere since post-modernism will become the norm.
Infinite Jest is still by all means post-modern lit.
Haven't read Underworld yet but White Noise and Libra are both great.