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indian guy being an annoying cunt on twitter is almost enough for me to drop this

part of what I liked about this series is that it showed the truth, which is that a lot of programmers act like they have a stick up their ass all the time

They all look like normies except the the Indian manlet

>Richard looks like a normie

Wtf man he looks and acts autistic and I have a feeling he's the same way when not acting

He's Pakistani

borders are a social construct shitlord

Looks like a gay twink with a lot of female friends

The indian guy is making a dreamworks face

I'd fuck all these nerds except Gabe

>2 leonards

press f

I really hated this show and I don't know why

I'm tired .

Pakis are just Indians that converted to Islam so there's no real difference

Who gives a shit?

this show just makes me mad because I went to google HQ once and it was all fucking asians and indians

crazy what happened to california

why does the show make you mad? I don't understand the connection here

You should boycott it and come up with some catchy slogan to chant.

>and it was all fucking asians and indians
What's wrong with that? East asians are born for that kind of job. Do you not accept the reality of race?

UHHHH, anyone who cares about accuracy and doesn't want to nullify someone's race/nationality? Ignorant prick

>thank you, florida

Fucking miss that guy. Don't mind his replacement though, she's funny in a different way despite being a similar character

wtf i love having my job taken now
>inb4 muh south park
nigga i have to eat

They're all ok, except the faggot reddit guy on the right. That gaylord has to be cut out or killed off.

>Pakis are just Indians that converted to Islam so there's no real difference

Once you go islam, you lose every connection to your previous race. You are kebab, the lowest of the low.

i like this guy but i dont like the way this show is going. They become very popular, rich, successful , they create revolutionary technology etc, i would like to see about their daily life like in big bang theory or it crowd etc

far right ppl of europe actually like islam but they will never admit it, islam it is almost their precios national socialism , they wish their naton were nations of warriors, patriachy, conquest, defend of faith, god open and strong antisemetism like in all islamic contries, intoleralce of other faiths etc

They have the technology but they're in no way successful or rich, the app they were building for 3 seasons just fucking fizzled and now they're shifting in another direction



he's not even that manlet, everyone on this show is just ridiculously tall

>Not a manlet

Why is Mike Judge's animated stuff so good, but his live action stuff absolute shit

i said not "that manlet"

174cm is barely below average and it's waaaaaay above the average indian

why do i want to see him blacked, Sup Forums?


I'm just gonna come out and say it


The shirt that the guy on the left is wearing looks like a guy who's sucking a dick

>far right
pick one


Shut the fuck up shitskin, you're literally irrelevant


that sex scene with jesse plemons

but that for that point no one gives a shit still. It's still a joke.

Raise awareness Programmers are AssHoles

Are you retarded?

You didn't like Office Space?


>not one fat guy
>not one ponytail
>only one with a beard is a full well kept
>only one with long hair is fresh and well kept
>not one short

this guy fucks

>not one fat guy
lmoa maybe for you