>film has black "people" in it
Film has black "people" in it
CIA is not racist you drumpfuck
First Pepe, now CIA? What other memes are you gonna steal from us, Sup Forums?
Hilldawg said niggers are super predators. How does that make you feel?
Doesn't your bull need prepping, Anthony?
Post black kino
OP is just internet trolling
we here at Sup Forums love our blacks
I'll have you know that Krager, one of the top Tripfags on the site, is in fact a black man!
blacks, please don't rob me
I don't mind blacks but that's my reaction to movies that have a female mc. Why are almost all female mc's so absurdly bad?
When did Sup Forums and /r/the_donald infest this board?
Can't you retards go back? Please?
>film has black scientists
that's how you know it's a comedy
Bane was totally racist, though
Go back to r/politics, faggot.
We didn't infest the board. A lot of the people who have always browsed Sup Forums are crossboarders. You're getting upset about the natural state of this board.
He is against big guys.
>mentioning reddit sites by name
Fucking go back.
Hillary is irrelevant to any current discussions. She lost.
>She lost.
Um, no sweetie.
What Imean is that Drumpf supporters can't keep on using Hillary as a crutch for every shitty thing Trump does. I agree that Hillary was a shitty candidate but she can't be used as a deflection for every shitty thing Trump does
How quickly you got off her bandwagon.
>she lost
>by negative 3 million votes
drumpf math everyone
>before 2016
>cunny thread
>waifu thread
>feet thread
>feels thread
>movie thread that no one replies to
>during election/after 2016
>race baiting threads
>pro-Trump/anti-Hillary threadds
>black characters/people complaint thread
>current event regarding blacks or Muslims thread
>movie thread that no one replies to
hmm yep nothing changed
You have to go back.
Sounder is a fantastic classic that will make you cry, white boi.
b...but you're missing out on some classic movies
Stop trying to rewrite history. You are the immigrant, not your le pole boogeyman NIGGER
>fucking democratic republics
>how do they work
>implying that fucking frog comic didn't start on Sup Forums
What did xe closeted redditor mean by this?
Nigger, nigger spamming is an old meme. It's just to trigger sensitive people who don't like hearing taboo words. But racist homophobic retards like you found this site and saw people write words like nigger and faggot and thought you were in good company when we were doing it ironically.
then why are you getting upset now, Sup Forums is just satire afterall
Ah yes, Sup Forums was once a bastion of the progressive agenda. Please stop embarrassing yourself. Do you even know what the Nick "ger" Fury threads were, you absolute newfaggot?
Stop fucking pretending like you were even old enough to use a computer 7 years ago you fucking faggot.
Why are you getting upset with him explaining something to you that you didn't know?
> this delusional
>n-no y-you're upset
>the non-ironic naziboos spamming frogs are the older mature gentlemen and everyone else are children
I'm fucking dying here! Give me more material.
You lost, libcucks, better deal with it fast, because the next step in our master plan are concentration camps for you.
>Sup Forums is just satire
Not anymore since Reddit and Breitbart infested it.
>Sup Forums was once a bastion of the progressive agenda
I didn't say that, learn how to read. God, talking to braindead Sup Forumstards is getting annoying.
So at least you admit it I giess. Now you should leave.
Don't melt there, snowflake.
>le nigger was always just ironic, we were never racists!!!
>doesn't even remember daily nigger hate threads
How to spot a Redditor 101
Why do you faggots always invert insults normally used against you? Is it because you are astroturfing shills trying to subvert the board?
Not this shit again
Are your fingers sausages?
Wow that sure seems like something a natural 4channer would post 10/10
> racist homophobic retards like you
What's the opposite of racists and homophobes? Your worldview doesn't represent the entire board's. There were daily anti-jew pedowood threads that would hit 300 posts at one point
>natural 4channer
That sounds like what a faggot would write.
It's hilarious. They tried their hardest to get people to take "safe-space culture" and "triggering" seriously, and it didn't work.
Now they're doing what Leftists do best:
Doing a 180 on their values and turning the things they used yesterday as core beliefs as an insult today.
>omg muh board is being corrupted
Sky isn't falling, sweet tits.
whoa whoa what are you some kind of homophobe not cool bro, we only do that ironically here
Excellent work, Colombo. You cracked the case.
>radical feminist bloggers on Tumblr is 100% of liberals
I guess that means white terrorists that kill Muslims are 100% of Trump supporters.
Nice art brah
Woah holy shit, you found out that I didn't make this image. Now everything I say is null.
Wow, we have a Sherlock over here guys.
Can you name one? not counting any of obamas drone operators of course
Yeah, your party nominated a candidate whose major campaign points was that she was a woman, fucking lena dunham spoke at several hillary rallies. Stop trying to distort history faggot
>catering to a group means everyone that supports Hillary is that group
>that means poor black women in the slums = rich white women bloggers in San Francisco
Good logic there. I guess since Trump catered to the KKK, that means all of you are cross-burning people lynching terrorists.
Don't fuck with these guys. They are experts in Internet psychiatry and sociology. Years of countless hours every night spent on their field of research. Before you know it they will tear your entire psyche apart and put you back together again in one post.
"People on this widely used website simply cannot think different than me"
Wow, its like a complete inversion of what a meme should be.
If you dont understand how fucking obvious you are then you truly are a brainless piece of shit. Might has well have a neon sign on your head that says SHILL
oh that's funny I thought that was why you guys didn't want us to say nigger
>uh, you don't get to bring niggers
Whoa, what did he mean by this?
>if I accuse you of being paid to post here, then I can ignore everything you say!
Cut back on the lead water mate.
I don't mind you saying nigger ?
There you go again thinking anyone who disagrees with you is of the same color on the spectrum.
>he can't tell the difference between writing nigger in a post and making a political race-baiting thread that doesn't even discuss the movie
Did your mom take too much opioids during your pregnancy?
>wears feminist pin
>has ice bucket video about poor 3rd worlders
>initial reports say the shooter yelled allah ackbar and the suspect turned into a witness
seems legit brah
>counting on witness reports in a mass shooting
>in a mosque where people surely wouldn't scream allahu akbar
really makes you think.
are you new here to Sup Forums?
lmao 0/10
yeah I always scream thank god when some asshole pulls an ak out in my mosque that funds terrorism, totally wasn't a plea deal for the actual shooter because trudeau would look like a complete retard for praising muslims a half hour before hand.
Are you saying he's not the shooter because he wore a feminist pin and did a meme video?
It seems less likely, at the very least he doesn't fit the media narrative of being a trump supporter that decided to shoot up a mosque, not to mention where did the little dork get an AK
congrats on your special opinion and jumping into an argument for no reason what's your point
how do you even strawman this hard?
Oh Jesus Christ, I bet you idiots are also Sandy Hook truthers.
Please, if you have any concrete proof that the shooter wasn't this white dude instead of conjecturing about some conspiracy, share it.
I don't think you understand what that word means.
>idiots who think Allah Akbar is a term that is only shouted when muslims kill someone
It's literally a form of prayer, watch some footage of Syria getting mortar shelled, the civilists etc. always scream "Allah Akbar" as a prayer.
where did I advocate for Sup Forums shitposting in Sup Forums?
>" "
>not >
do you even meme arrow?
Yes he was, you have to read the novelization.
CIA personally helped to distribute crack into black neighborhoods to get money to arm the Contras. He says "they are filthy people, for me."
I didn't say that you did. What the fuck are you talking about? I don't care if you write nigger or think black people are subhuman trash. I just want this board to be about TELEVISION AND FILM.
What if I was to tell you, assuming you're on Sup Forums every night, you've been having basically the same inane "political" arguments with the same dozen or so anons for the last 7 or so years on here, and nothing is going to change for the next 7 years either?
The fact that you know what the Reddit board is called, is a sign that you have to go back.
then why are you arguing with me I dont come here for politics
Sup Forums is not going to last for 7 more years.
>implying Sup Forums didn't infest Sup Forums and /r/the-donald
leave newfag.
Sup Forums has always been a redpilled board.
He could have spent that time posting memes.
Think of all the wasted opportunities to post "for you" or "what did he mean by this?"
I don't know, it's kind of fun. But then, it's encouraging more of these threads to be made here. I'd go to Sup Forums to argue but that board is filled with literal mentally retarded people.
You say something like "I like dogs" and they'll say "Oh yeah? Why do you hate cats and want all cat owners to die?" Or "Did you know a rapist likes dogs? Why do you support rapists?" Or "Hillary lost! Get over it, dog lover!"
It's impossible to argue there.
when have you ever seen them yell allah akbar while being shot at, they're always to busy shitting their pants. The only time they durka out is while shooting (praying their shit hits) and after getting shot (praying they dont die).
you...you want me to prove a negative?
>you want me to prove a negative?
You're the one making a claim with no basis. The Quebec police officers showed the press their reports, which was corroborated by witnesses and people who knew the shooter. What's your basis?
Are you fucking retarded? Arabs sometimes use "Allahu Akbar" like we use "Oh my God". Just watch a video of 9/11 and tell me how often you hear "Oh my God."
>"Oh yeah? Why do you hate cats and want all cat owners to die?" Or "Did you know a rapist likes dogs? Why do you support rapists?" Or "Hillary lost! Get over it, dog lover!"
You literally stole that strawman from the Joe Rogan vs Crowder Marijuana argument meme