>the Irish character has a surprise Irish wife who's black but the story never acknowledges that she's a nigger
This SJW trash was in like 2009 too.
The Irish character has a surprise Irish wife who's black but the story never acknowledges that she's a nigger
Other urls found in this thread:
>Talking shit on Irish blacks.
How about you fuck right off?
>make a big deal of a black character
holy shit was sjw garbage
>don't make a big deal of a black character
holy shit was sjw garbage
how the fuck should the story acknowledge it?
jayzus christ Sup Forumstards
>not knowing about irish blacks
not op but the answer is simple - dont use blacks for diversity purposes alone
>"diversity purposes"
What makes you think that? The Jews right?
progressives literally shill for this and celebrate it when it happens
Are there black people in Ireland? No, really. Are there?
yeah, working class types from the Caribbean
A lot of Northern England and parts of Ireland have Caribbean or west african communities
Yeah, they're a tiny percentage of the population though.
They're treated like magical beings though because they're so rare and as such if one goes into acting, they're pushed right to the top.
we've had a big influx of Nigerians in the last one or two decades and parts of Dublin are very black these days
This is now a Thin Lizzy thread.
>the story never acknowledges that she's a nigger
Then it's not SJW trash, mate
List some sources for this claim and show other examples.
Keep sending black Irishmen to Sup Forums
Ond went there some days ago and it was funny as hell
chibbs' wife was my fucking waifu when she showed up and was set up to be gemma's rival and then just disappeared and was never mentioned again :(
How dare you go hmmm about a black Irish
Based Brotugal strikes again
>a graduar captura de huehue
average Sup Forumscucks, everyone