First World hypocrisy

>euros and americans often say about Brazilian murder rates
>euros and americans dont realize that literally all murder rates are due to get cocaine to their countries
>proceed to call us subhuman
If anything our 50k murders a year are basically sponsered by your superior civilized drug addictions

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought Cocaine was Colombia's thing

>implying we shouldn't be mad at you for causing drug addictions in our countries
>implying we allow or condone cocaine use

>i-i-it's your fault i can't c-control myself!!!

This is why the USA is such a cancerous stain on the planet.

isn't OP making that same argument though?

Can you substantiate your claims about europe?

we are the major route to Europe as much as Mexico is to the US. It all comes from colombia. And guess what country has military bases in Colombia?

>implying we allow or condone cocaine use
Hollywood has been glorifying cocaine for decades, mate.

But you do both allow and condone cocaine use, we aren't talking a couple of rednecks in some dump in Louisiana but widespread use. And blame your own culture for causing drug addiction.

Take some responsibility for your actions. It's Brazilians pulling the trigger not Americans it's your people who make the choice to kill so some slob in California can get high while at some sleazy night club.

Kuruminha is cute, CUTE!

first worlders are wh*Te subhumans

>It's your fault, we're forced to manufacture and sell you illegal drugs!

ah yes just like the Opium addiction and China decadence was totally China's fault in the XIX century
I mean they are subhumans!
If there wasnt a demand there wouldnt be a market my friend

Why can't people understand it's fault of everyone, the producers and consumers, and the goverments of both producer and consumer countries are all equally in fault.

>corrupt brazilian officials get bribed so illegal cocaine production can continue to take place instead of using the military forces to crack down on it with the power of thousand suns
>this is somehow the fault of european people

what OP is trying to say is that it's degenerates calling others degenrates.

That's why we need global People's war and full world communism

Yes because it suplies your market not ours. If you guys werent so addicts the favelas wouldnt be such an inferno to live in. You guys sponsor the killings of poor people

fuck off irrelevant shithole...we could nuke you in one second with our nuclear weapons...if all of south america went to war against us again we'd win...faggot fucks

>it's okay for us to be corrupt because euros WANT to have their drugs
no clue how to argue with such retarded logic

Also it's not "us". Drug abuse in Poland is lower compared to Western Europe and ex-USSR states.

m8 do you know how favelas work? Do you that the state cannot even reach the favelas because they are so heavily armed to the point of being stronger than the military due to the fact of international drug trafficking being so profitable? If anything corruption comes from the profit of your addiction and not the opposite. Their political presence and power comes from your money

Just like you could nuke Vietnam...
Just watch Narcos and you'll understand more of less how the situation works. I don't know why he keeps insisting that Yurop is part of the market since Murica is the main consumer and a big part of the problem.

>implying we shouldn't be mad at you for causing drug addictions in our countries
Wait, what? It's you own fault you're a junkie.

In mexico yes the US is the main export route. Meanwhile Brazil is Europe, especially UK and Spain

You're not the US government, you're just some random dumb fuck

What the fuck does that have to do with with anything, crazy yankee?

Damn, I love this kuruminha shitposter.
He always know how to make gringos assblasted, and they always fall for it.
Keep up the good work, senpaiília.

>every american/euro is the same person and ALL OF THEM fund drugs

I only drink coffee (and probably the sugar that goes with it) from Brazil.

just watch...monkey third worlders....were gonna nuke the SHIT out of missile can knock out the entire south imagine 100.....

>DUDE we ARE corrupt because euros WANT their drugs
no, all Brazilian officials have to do is crack down on drugs and brazilian people have to stop electing people who refuse to do so.

International drug trafficking is profitable then why only corrupt shitholes like Brazil produce and profit from it?
Because Brazilians are corrupt.
Climate of Poland and even more that of Southern Europe while not ideal would be perfectly okay to sustain the growth of a coca plant to manufacture process and sell cocaine.
But we don't do it.

We have actual huge protectionism here in the EU to subsidy our sugar beets so 3rd world imports won't compete

You can't just go around nuking people like that. It's rude.

we're helping your economy m8
we don't get the cocaine for free (unfortunately)

>American threats

sorry about your shithole "nation," bud. i'll stop buying cocaine right now.

also contrary to what old american gangster movies told you europeans in general largely prefer opiates to cocaine.

>buy all cocaine
>bribe all politicians for it to keep the coke flowing or else you are dead
>arm all the local population to stop any external influences or at least resist with great attrition to the point of needing to wage war at it and harm millions of people

m8 you guys wouldnt even be able to grow coke leaves

>being this pitiful
do you have absolutely no agency over your own life?
you act like a slave to the phantoms that exist only in your head, bud. get yourself together and quit this disgusting perpetual-victim charade.

yes just like when someone puts a gun at your head. You surely got a choice, I mean you can always choose to die, it not the gun holder's fault

no one is holding a gun to your head, bud.
that's the phantom i'm talking about.

Americans shouldnt deny anything since they are the biggest enablers of the drug market.

ah clearly no one is. I mean it is not that the US basically controls all the international market due to the dollar being the reserve currency worldwide and basically your economy being addicted to printing money to sustain your wars worldwide and further the global control over the world including drug trafficking. You are pretty naive believing you are not a tool to a whole fucked up system set up by your capitalists

>>bribe all politicians
This right there is the problem. Politicians are fully sentient beings and can say "no". But yours value the thickness of their wallet over the people that elected them into office. This is not the fault of Europeans.

>or else you are dead
Oh yes I can't wait to see all those fully armed warships of the european armies sailing towards brazil to bomb the shit out of it because 0,5% of european population does cocaine

>>arm all the local population to stop any external influences or at least resist with great attrition to the point of needing to wage war at it and harm millions of people
No matter how much they're armed combined police and military forces of Brazil still massively outnumber and outgun them. It's just that Brazilian officials are too corrupt.

Ah yes I forgot that in a country of 36 of million people where agriculture is a huge part of national economy and for centuries was known as the breadbasket of europe growing a fucking plant is too hard because coke leaves apparently need a magical touch of a favelamonkey slave worker to grow.

>big bad capitalists ruined everything wah
the US dollar isn't holding people hostage and forcing them to buy/manufacture/sell drugs. it takes a certain kind of subhuman to kill others just for a few bucks.

I am no one's tool because I am armed to the teeth.

do I have to redpill you that your gov purposely made the negros into junkies?
Latinos only sad a mutual benefit in you fucking yourselves and make a quick cash

ah no, do you know the countries that are trying to break this USD hegemony? Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, China amd Russia. Does it ring a bell?

omg you clearly are knowledgeable about my country! We sure need people as knowledgeable as you in this country! I mean who could possibly think that european lands are so fertile to compete with ours! Or that our politicians are threatened by the foreign armies. Or that our highly paid military police and army could take care of drug lords wothout a problem!

didn't know you were a country

>da white man always tryna keep a good favelado down
>we a good boys we dindu nuffinz!
keep telling yourself that.

If what you were saying was true Poland would be a hub for cocaine production because we're also poor as shit AND due to Schengen agreement smuggling drugs west would require no effort whatsoever and would drastically reduce the price of the end product making it either more attractive to the customer OR making more money to the people behind the production.

But our officials are not corrupt enough to allow for that. They were, during the People's Republic times. But not now.
Stop blaming people thousands of kilometres across the ocean from you for the inadequacy and dishonesty of your fellow brazilians.

>american threats on this thread


Just like how if there wasn't supply there wouldn't be a market.

didnt know you were a person completely capable of living free of anything built by society like the internet
>mfw the polish believe everything is about their country, and if it isnt it is all subhuman
my friend have you ever considered that what works in poland doesnt necessarily works here and that your problems arent equal to our problems?
Yes but demands generates innovation and supply not the inverse my friend

poles are literally the worst posters here, after japs. People with not enough cognitive development. stop arguing with him.

>I am no one's tool
Yes, you very much are, ignorant Ameriburger.

Poland can't grow coca leaves, even Mexico doesn't grow them. By all means we would all be grateful if someone developed a strain capable of enduring in your climates so then you wouldn't have to outsource drugs to us.

Unironically this could be a solution.


Yes, keep hiding behind petty insults while being wilfully ignorant. Well done.

your vacuous assertions deserve no argument, child.
fuck off and let the adults talk

>do I have to redpill you that your gov purposely made the negros into junkies?
Go on...

>Behuehue monkey
>Blame everyone else for your own problems
>Wonder why your country is shit and why none of the problems are ever fixed

Do you realise that your commentary thus far has been nothing but empty assertions and ignorance, while conducting yourself like a spiteful teenager?

Why are you Americans so fucking insufferable? Do you get off on being viewed as a fool online, or something?

>for your own problems
It's hardly their problem when these criminal organisations have been supplied by Americans, supported by Americans, and funded by Americans.

>our own problems
It would be if we were the ones sponsoring it and giving it power

Legalize cocaine then

>Do you realise that your commentary thus far has been nothing but empty assertions and ignorance

> while conducting yourself like a spiteful teenager
don't care, buddy.

Like the US wouldn't squash us for trying even if we managed to go against a good century of brainwashing on our own population.

Then they should either do something about the Americans funding the shit, or take down the criminal organization
Nobody gives a shit and nobody is going to do shit about bad things that aren't happening to their own country
If Brazil wants this to stop, they have to do it themselves, instead of sitting on their ass, blaming someone else and hoping it disappears or someone else fixes it for them
Ah yeah just push the blame somewhere else so you don't have to worry about it, while at the same time whine about how nothing is being done about it.

>how nothing is being done about it Thousands of cops die fighting drug trafficking is nothing then? I find it funny cause you are probably an american using a proxy trying to look cool, when in reality it is basically hypocrisy all over it. It is like saying: I killed your whole family and raped your daughter LMAO it is for fault for being so psychologically damaged not mine fuck you. I dont have nothing to do with this

Who are you quoting?

you my fellow proxy mate

the hallucination in his head.
he thinks every westerner is personally to blame for the sorry state of Brazil, while no brazillian should be faulted for killing people and trafficking drugs.

No you're not, I didn't say any of that
Also I'm not a proxy, keng-þroskahefti mongólítinn þinn.
Skal veðja að þú borðar apatyppi í morgunmat og surtsdrjóla í kvöldmat.

So you are stupid just like an american

>eat a bite for breakfast and a drip for dinner
what does this figure of speech mean?
alcohol dependence?

First I'm a proxy, now I'm stupid
Sure thing, just keep living in ignorance and blaming everyone else while things keep getting worse and worse
>what does this figure of speech mean?
Its not a figure of speech, I literally said
I shall bet that you eat ape-cock(monkey-penis) for breakfast and negro/black-schlongs for dinner.

I'm not that dude but you gotta be joking about this:
>If Brazil wants this to stop, they have to do it themselves, instead of sitting on their ass, blaming someone else and hoping it disappears or someone else fixes it for them
Cops dying all over the place fighting these people is "sitting on their ass"?

looks like google translate mislead me then. sorry about that

If cops dying to fix your problem is an ever bigger problem than the drug problem, maybe you should try to come up with a solution that doesn't involve getting your cops killed.

I specifically chose to word it in such a way that you couldn't use google translate on it.

You can't grow coca in Poland genius. You guys make meth because it's synthetic.

>>Poland is both a transit country for drug trafficking and the source of production of synthetic drugs for Western European markets. Poland is one of the major amphetamine manufacturers in the European market.


There are special polices and etc.. but

>want a Latin American country to resist against America interests
KEK such a little fool


If the problem is that they're using big ass powerful guns, put the criminals in a situation where either using the guns will backfire or where they just can't use the guns.

Nice hyperbole

>Poland is one of the major amphetamine manufacturers in the European market.
That's actually a coordinated government-sponsored effort to weaken wh*Tes

I honestly find it funny cause you are saying that solving the problem is basically risking our lives with war machinery each and every day for a problem that basically wasnt caused by us and doesnt supply our demands while sitting far away in a remote island free from any danger

Where are all the cocaine related murders in the Netherlands then?

We aren't killing each other over it.



Maybe just maybe it is because the cocaine comes from here and not from the Netherlands?

Except it is caused by you. We don't have drug cartels within our borders because we wouldn't tolerate it, and even our meth manufacturers and weed growers are pretty peaceful. The only really dangerous spots in America are urban areas like St Louis filled with shit people and no drug manufacturing to speak of.

What next, are you going to claim that our obsession with bottled water is the reason why a $4.5 billion budget isn't enough for you to keep a pool blue?

The Netherlands is the main heroin, XTC, weed and so on hub of Europe.

>drug cartels whithin our borders
I wonder why? Have you ever considered that the main profit from running a cartel is controlling the flow towards a country and not within a country? Your US dollars are worth much more than the Mexico Peso or the Colombian Peso my friend
Yes but not cocaine, cocaine is much more profitable than all of those

Only because they can grow and manufacture it with impunity down there. Lot of people growing weed around here in states where it's mostly legalized.

There's basically no one growing poppies or making coke here, because penalties are so high and law enforcement takes it pretty seriously, so we get our hard drugs from places either unwilling or unable to stop the production instead of rural California.

Ah clearly is not because cocaine generates a fuckton of money due to Americans being addicted and rich and these profits dont gives them war equipment and power over the mexican state to basically make them their puppets and continue to supply the US with drugs. I mean it is solely because the mexican state and people doesnt want to. Also the profit from weed is the same as the profit fron cocaine and other drugs which are grown and manufactured in the US